Business Network Event: How Advanced Geothermal Power Can Help Meet California’s Climate Goals

Sonoma Clean Power’s Customer Care Center at 741 4th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Join us for a discussion about the potential for geothermal energy to provide clean, affordable electricity across California. Electricity demand is at an all-time high. State efforts to electrify the transportation and building sectors, plus the massive data centers needed to support Artificial Intelligence (AI), mean that demand is only expected to grow in the … Read more

Business Network Event: The Grid for the Future is Decentralized, Reliable, and Affordable

SOMO Village, 1400 Valley House Drive, Suite 240, Rohnert Park, CA 94928

The key to building an affordable, resilient, and reliable energy system is increasing the use of distributed energy resources — things like rooftop solar, battery storage, and technologies that manage energy demand. California’s electricity rates are through the roof, creating an affordability crisis at the same time that extreme weather is hammering communities across the … Read more

Business Network Breakfast: Strategies for Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere


California has just set some of the most ambitious targets in the world for natural carbon removal. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tells us that, in addition to rapidly cutting emissions, we must remove about a trillion tons of carbon from the atmosphere by the end of the century to stay below … Read more

Business Network Breakfast: The State of California’s Solar Industry and Future Opportunities for Decarbonization


As The Climate Center ramps up for another legislative session in California, we invite our Business Network members to join us for an update on our policy priorities. We are honored to welcome Allie Detrio, CEO and Founder of ReimaginePower, a firm focused on strategy and advocacy for microgrids and other local energy resources. Allie … Read more

California climate legislative debrief for 2023 and a look forward to 2024

La Kretz Innovation Campus (LACI), 525 S Hewitt St Suite 150, Los Angeles, CA 90013

Civic and business leaders and actvists gathered at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) to learn how the California legislature is (and is not) working to accelerate climate pollution reductions and the transition to 100 percent clean energy. The Climate Center CEO Ellie Cohen shared an update on climate achievements in the state legislature from … Read more

VIP Lunch: How We Win on Climate Against Big Oil

Sunrun HQ, 225 Bush Street, San Francisco

California just announced a lawsuit against five major oil corporations for their decades of deception and billions of dollars in damages to California communities. The Climate Center hosted an intimate conversation with The Climate Center CEO Ellie Cohen, Sunrun CEO Mary Powell, and California State Senator Scott Wiener to learn how we can end the … Read more

Business Network Breakfast with Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire

1500 Valley House Drive, Suite 210, Rohnert Park, CA

Please join us and the other members of The Climate Center Business Network for a breakfast networking event at SOMO Village’s beautiful new coworking space in Rohnert Park. Our speaker will be California State Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire. A light breakfast will be served.

Community Meeting About a New Choice in Electricity Service for Fresno

SEIU Local 521, 5228 East Pine Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727

In response to high electricity costs, the Fresno city council is evaluating energy service options for Fresno residents, including Community Choice Energy.  At this meeting, we will learn about Community Choice Energy, a not-for-profit local program that provides electricity service as a choice apart from PG&E electricity service. With Community Choice Energy, PG&E continues to … Read more

Business Network Breakfast — Vehicles and the Grid


Connect with business leaders like you who are passionate about sustainability, and hear from our guest speakers, who will be outlining the incredible opportunity to bring the power of electric vehicle storage to bear as an asset in the grid for the future. Stephen Lassiter, Policy Director at SunRun, and Rani Murali, EV-Grid Integration & Energy Services Project Management Analyst at Ford Motor Company will discuss their companies’ ambitious partnership to accelerate Vehicle to Grid integration.

Workshop: Energy Resilience Planning for Your Community

Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, 1380 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, CA

For several summers in a row, California has been plagued by unprecedented wildfires and associated power outages. As an alternative to diesel for energy back-up, some local governments have been planning for deployment of new, clean energy options, which can save money and improve resilience. This workshop will included presentations covering:       Best … Read more