With less than two weeks left in the legislative session for this year, Governor Newsom has released a set of game-changing climate proposals. His draft climate package includes a more ambitious goal for reducing climate pollution by 2030, public health setbacks from dangerous oil and gas drilling, and a commitment to nature-based carbon sequestration.
This is great news! We welcome the governor’s leadership, but his plan still needs some key improvements to protect our climate and communities. Negotiations are already underway in Sacramento, so we don’t have a lot of time to act.
The governor has never been this hands-on with climate legislation before — it’s clear he’s listening to our movement. Please join us in urging state leaders to do five things:
- Accelerate the timeline for reaching carbon neutrality;
- Prioritize nature-based solutions to remove carbon from the atmosphere;
- Avoid using public or ratepayer funds to extend the life of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant;
- Invest in renewable, decentralized energy like solar and storage; and
- Protect frontline communities from the harms of fossil fuel pollution.
The deadline for California to pass any new climate laws this year is in less than two weeks. That means we need to make our voices heard right now to make an impact!
Enacting ambitious, equitable climate laws this year would do so much for California. We can create thousands of family-sustaining jobs, build resilience to wildfires, improve our food and water security, make our electricity more affordable and reliable, and so much more.
This is our moment! Let’s harness this momentum to create a thriving, just California for all.