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On the Road with the Climate Ride

It Starts with a Revolution – Sun 9/9 Starting out the ride today I couldn’t find words for what I was feeling. I think that’s the definition of having your mind blown.  After breaking camp, 162 riders rolled out of the campground and started the five-day ride to San Francisco. One turn of the wheel … Read more

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Electric Vehicle Forum

If you drive an electric vehicle, or are considering one, or are just curious about them, the Climate One program at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco will be hosting a crowd-sourced program on August 20th titled EV Riders. Unlike many other programs where we hear the marketing spiel or what advertisers say about plug-in, hybrid, and electric … Read more

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Congressman Mike Thompson Kicks Off WeGo Sonoma

Real-time Ridesharing Coming to Sonoma County Santa Rosa, CA – Congresman Mike Thompson took the inaugural ride today of an innovative carpooling technique known as “real-time ride-sharing.” The ride marked the kick-off by the Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) of WeGo Sonoma, a program that will be launched for the public later this month. The … Read more

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Climate Ride

Imagine riding your bike down the Avenue of the Giants with 1000-year-old redwoods cooling your way, then continuing with 150 new friends all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. The Climate Ride is a five-day ride from Eureka to San Francisco that raises money for climate solutions. This year’s ride will take place September … Read more

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Request for Proposals: Real-time Ridesharing Software

We’re excited to announce the next step in our real-time ridesharing pilot. The Sonoma Country Transportation Authority is inviting proposals to provide and customize real-time ridesharing software for the pilot. Here’s the formal letter, along with the full pdf: NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REAL-TIME RIDESHARING PILOT PROGRAM Providing and Customizing Real-time Ridesharing Software The … Read more

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Using Incentives, Analy Students Achieve 21% Reduction in Single Passenger Commutes

Using Incentives, Analy Students Achieve 21% Reduction in Single Passenger Commutes The AP Statistics class at Analy High School participated in a year-long project with the Climate Protection Campaign’s Cool Schools program to understand the greenhouse gas impact of student drivers at their school. For three weeks this spring the class developed an initiative to … Read more