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Business Groups on Both Sides

Last week, Mary Nichols, Chair of the California Air Resources Board, told the California Manufacturers & Technology Association, Western States Petroleum Association, and the California Chamber of Commerce: “Join the many hundreds of businesses that are investing in the fight against climate change instead of fighting AB32.” They fought the original legislation for California greenhouse … Read more

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Support Residential PACE

Support residential PACE by submitting your comment to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) by September 13, 2012. Court ordered Rulemaking by FHFA resulted in over 30,000 public comments in response to the FHFA’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), the overwhelming majority in support of PACE. The FHFA’s Notice of Proposed Rule (NPR): Allows … Read more

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Electric Vehicle Forum

If you drive an electric vehicle, or are considering one, or are just curious about them, the Climate One program at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco will be hosting a crowd-sourced program on August 20th titled EV Riders. Unlike many other programs where we hear the marketing spiel or what advertisers say about plug-in, hybrid, and electric … Read more

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Windsor Approves Innovative, Water Conservation & Energy Efficiency Program – First in California!

Windsor Efficiency PAYS®, available to eligible Windsor residents starting August 2012, provides water and energy upgrades for residential properties that provide immediate utility bill savings—   with no upfront cost or debt. On July 18, 2012, the Windsor Town Council gave final approval for Windsor Efficiency PAYS®, a new, innovative water conservation program that provides residents … Read more

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More on PG&E’s “Green Option” from Greenwire

In California, questions swirl around new voluntary renewable energy program Greenwire by Debra Kahn – May 14, 2012 Despite pitfalls and naysayers, California’s largest and most troubled power company is plugging its latest “green” efforts. Northern California’s Pacific Gas and Electric Co. unveiled a new “green option” last month that would allow customers to pay … Read more

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Request for Proposals Released for Cool Schools’ Web Based Trip Tracking Tool

The Climate Protection Campaign is soliciting proposals from web designers to develop and maintain a site for the Cool School eCO2mmute program that will provide a contemporary web application to track student travel and encourage awareness of school travel choices to reduce carbon emissions and improve personal health for Sonoma, Alameda and San Mateo County … Read more

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Public Policy that Builds the Green Economy

Letter to the Editor of the Press Democrat (published 9/24/11) I appreciate the Press Democrat for carrying David Brooks’ insightful columns. Nonetheless, he mistakenly concludes that government investment in energy efficiency and clean energy does not create jobs (“Where the jobs aren’t,” PD Sept 7) Professor David Roland-Holst, a UC Berkeley economist, found that investing … Read more

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Victory for Local Renewable Energy in Sacramento

Implementation Manager Woody Hastings last month helped mobilize a broad coalition to oppose Assembly Bill 976, a serious threat to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) – known here as Sonoma Clean Power. CCA is the most powerful solution under local control to develop renewable power and create green jobs. AB 976 would have prohibited a newly-formed CCA from contracting with … Read more

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Thermasource Joins Business for Clean Energy Program

Since its inception over 30 years ago, ThermaSource has emerged as a worldwide industry leader for geothermal engineering and drilling services. Their focus is on their customers and their challenges, specifically working with them to manage risks, reduce costs, and increase the probability of successful geothermal wells. Geothermal power is a reliable form of renewable … Read more

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Youth Energy Summit

September 21 from 4-6 pm in the Analy High School Auditorium there will be a Youth Energy Summit, followed by a reception in the school garden with food and networking opportunities from 6-7 pm. Featured speaker: Alec Loorz, high school student, who has spoken at venues across the country regarding climate change and youth involvement. … Read more