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New Executive Order from Governor Newsom on biodiversity, climate and working lands: A step in the right direction

On Wednesday Governor Gavin Newsom issued a new Executive Order N-82-20 that is another step forward in combating climate change. The order establishes the goal of protecting 30% of California’s lands and waters by 2030 while also outlining some initial actions required to get there. The governor’s bold leadership is urgently needed as climate change worsens … Read more

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Governor Newsom has taken a bold first step. Urge him to do more.

Golden Gate by Benjamin W.

After several weeks of record-breaking heat, fires, and smoke, Governor Newsom today reiterated that we are in a climate emergency and announced Executive Order N-79-20 requiring 100% of all new in-state sales of cars and light trucks to be zero-emissions vehicles by 2035.  This makes California the first state in the nation to ban new … Read more

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Lawmakers let oil and gas interests sicken us. Governor Newsom can put us on the path to recovery. (CalMatters op-ed by The Climate Center)

By Venise Curry, MD, and Ellie Cohen, Special to CalMatters September 14, 2020 https://calmatters.org/commentary/my-turn/2020/09/lawmakers-let-oil-and-gas-interests-sicken-us-gov-newsom-can-put-us-on-the-path-to-recovery/ Make no mistake about it. Climate change is powering California’s perfect storm of record heat, lightning, drought, wildfire and smoke amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and electricity blackouts. In his video message to the Democratic National Convention in August, Governor Gavin Newsom … Read more

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Blackouts: Let’s build reliable clean power

“One factor that did not cause the rotating outage: California’s commitment to clean energy. Renewable energy did not cause the rotating outages.” That’s right, California’s climate policies and clean energy goals did not cause the state’s recent blackouts, as the three lead California energy agencies wrote in a letter to the Governor and the Legislature in August. The … Read more

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California’s climate and electricity crises require clean energy community microgrids (Op-Ed from The Climate Center in the Sac Bee)

BY ELLIE COHEN and The Climate Center Staff,  SPECIAL TO THE SACRAMENTO BEE https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/california-forum/article245311865.html AUGUST 29, 2020 05:00 AM , UPDATED AUGUST 29, 2020 09:50 AM The rolling blackouts that started on Aug. 14 amid a record heatwave provide an alarming reminder of how fragile and obsolete California’s electricity system is. They should also serve as a … Read more

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Let’s ensure that communities already burdened by pollution benefit from a transition to clean energy

Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate sent a message that climate change policy in a Biden Administration will focus on ensuring that communities already burdened by pollution benefit from a transition to clean energy, following up on Senator Harris’ recent proposed legislation, the Climate Equity Act. Equity was also the focus … Read more

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Our Community Energy Resilience letter to the Governor’s Economic Recovery Task Force and more

Rooftop PV installation on the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe administration building

Community Energy Resilience is a collaborative statewide effort to fund and support local governments for planning and implementing decentralized clean energy microgrids, prioritizing lower-income communities. Here is a recent Cal Matters op-ed we co-authored. This effort is especially urgent as we face extended wildfire seasons and additional power blackouts.

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The Climate Center Stands Against Racism, Police Violence and Environmental Injustice

Seattle Black Lives Matter protest by Kelly Kline

The Climate Center stands in solidarity with communities of color and with the protesters in the streets. We join them in demanding an end to institutional racism, police violence, white supremacy, and the environmental injustices that many Black, Brown, Asian and Indigenous communities experience daily. Shared responsibility and equitable, inclusive solutions are fundamental values we … Read more