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Don’t mourn, organize: What I learned as an official observer at COP26

Global Day of Action, climate march through the streets of Glasgow

What an invigorating, inspiring, challenging, and frustrating ten days in Glasgow for the United Nations annual global climate summit, COP26. There were almost 40,000 people registered and up to 10,000 there any single day, even with attendance limited due to COVID. People from all over the world came together to share their stories of climate … Read more

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The Climate Center Recognized as Official Observer NGO to the UN Climate Meetings! Follow us at COP26 in Glasgow

United Nations

We are thrilled that The Climate Center has been recognized as an official Observer NGO to the United Nations global climate meetings. This year’s conference, called COP26, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland from November 1-12, 2021. I’ll be there to learn from other climate champions and share our vision for a Climate-Safe California on … Read more

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Climate voters showed up for Governor Newsom, now it’s time for him to show up for us

State of the State Protest in Sacramento

It’s official: Governor Newsom has survived the recall attempt.  Climate voters mobilized by the millions in this election. When we cast our ballots, we voted for action to address the wildfires, toxic smoke, drought, and intense heat waves that have wreaked havoc across California this summer. With the recall behind him, it’s up to Governor … Read more

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Ann Hancock stepping down after two decades of extraordinary climate leadership

I’m deeply saddened to share that Ann Hancock, co-founder of The Climate Center and climate activist extraordinaire, will be stepping down from her formal leadership staff position to attend to her husband’s serious health issues. We will miss her voice, smarts, and wit as she puts her full attention to supporting her spouse.   With a … Read more

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The Climate Center Testimony in Support of SB 582- Climate Emergency Mitigation, Safe Restoration, and Just Resilience Act of 2021

Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water Support Testimony for SB 582 https://senv.senate.ca.gov/ April 27, 2021 Hearing Good morning Chair Laird and members of the committee. My name is Ellie Cohen, CEO of The Climate Center, a policy nonprofit working for rapid greenhouse gas reductions at scale. I am honored to testify in support of … Read more

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The Climate Center testimony in support of SB 27-Carbon Sequestration on Natural and Working Lands

Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water https://senv.senate.ca.gov/ Support SB27 Testimony April 27, 2021 Good morning, Chair Laird and members of the committee. My name is Ellie Cohen, CEO of The Climate Center. I am honored to testify in support of SB 27, which will set urgently needed state goals for carbon sequestration on natural … Read more

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Climate-Safe California Campaign Reaches 1,000 Endorsements

Major milestone in effort to accelerate state climate leadership Santa Rosa, CA, March 24, 2021—Over 1,000 elected officials, business leaders, academics, organizations and community members have now endorsed The Climate Center’s Climate-Safe California campaign. By endorsing, they are sending a message that they want California to aggressively tackle the climate crisis with big investments now– … Read more

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Support these bills– avoid Texas-scale catastrophe in CA 

Photo: Andrewglaser at English Wikipedia

[av_textblock size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” id=” custom_class=” template_class=” av_uid=’av-o4o9hj’ sc_version=’1.0′ admin_preview_bg=”] By Ellie Cohen, The Climate Center, and Ed Smeloff, Vote Solar Californians might be wondering about the connection between recent power outages in Texas and those in California last summer. While some are eager to blame renewables in both cases, the actual … Read more

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To weather the worsening drought, California needs healthy soils

By Ellie Cohen, The Climate Center, and Torri Estrada, Carbon Cycle Institute This opinion piece was originally published on February 11, 2021 in CalMatters. California is in the early stages of a severe multi-decadal drought, exacerbated by the climate crisis. As Dan Walters pointed out in his recent op ed, we must move quickly to prepare for water shortages and … Read more

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CPUC Approves $200M Investment in Microgrids for Vulnerable Communities

On January 12, 2021 the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a new decision in the CPUC microgrid proceeding. While the decision did very little to advance microgrid commercialization as required by SB 1339, it did include $200 million in utility ratepayer funding for a new incentive program to support microgrid development in vulnerable communities. These funds will not be … Read more