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Revenue-Neutral Fee and Dividend – Economic Energy for Local Solutions

I’ve spent most of my life watching the growth of fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions defy our every attempt to stop it: global treaties, national tax credits and efficiency standards, utility rebates, carbon trading, community choice, scientific reports, mass demonstrations, and media campaigns. None of these very worthy efforts reaches the problem’s root: fossil … Read more

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Sonoma County Teens Hold Conference on Climate Change

Young people may not be responsible for the climate crisis but they do have a commitment to creating a livable future.  Climate Protection Campaign’s Youth Advisory Board brought students from around Sonoma County together to talk about how to make their school campuses some sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint. Press Democrat Extra Credit Blog  … Read more

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The Spark that Encourages Others to Care

The Climate Center’s Youth Advisory Board Member, Sam Perry, beautifully described what drives her to be a young activist in the Press Democrat issue of Teen Life. “I want to be the spark that encourages others to care about the environment as much as I do.” By Martin Espinoza, The Press Democrat September 4, 2014 … Read more

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Climate Ride: Sustainability Conference on Wheels

Riding through the Alexander Valley outside of Healdsburg From Saturday May 17th to Tuesday the 20th, 150 riders and over 25 support staff covered 250 miles on a two-wheeled sustainability conference.  Michael Jacob, who raised over $3,100 to participate and to benefit The Climate Center, had the great fortune to ride, hang out and get … Read more

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Elliot Daum’s Ride for the Climate Protection Campaign

  California Superior Court Judge Elliot Daum raised the bar of his own personal fitness and cycling goals to benefit the Climate Protection Campaign this May. Elliot took to the road to train this Spring, and was rewarded with a four-day journey from San Francisco to Sacramento with approximately 150 riders. All riders raised funds … Read more

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Donor Spotlight: Ardath Lee at 80 – Still Engaged

So…you retire, and get asked…well, what are you doing these days?  I used to say, airily, oh a little of this, a little of that.  But now I say that I volunteer for The Climate Center, because then I can talk about CPC if the person shows any interest…(or not). And why do I want … Read more

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ECO2school Supports Students for Climate Protection

(Promoting ECO2school and biking at Analy High School) With bike blender smoothies, breakfast tables, school rallies and giveaways, who could resist taking action against the climate crisis? Students across Sonoma County stepped up by walking, biking, taking the bus, and carpooling during the ECO2school Challenge in April. Green teams, eco clubs, and leadership classes encouraged … Read more

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Creating His Clean Energy Future, Twice

DONOR SPOTLIGHT: Climate Sustainer Club member Gerry Lazzareschi, MD Gerry Lazzareschi had 38 solar panels installed on the roof of his Healdsburg home a month ago. (Conner Jay / PD) The second time’s a charm for Climate Protection Campaign Sustainer Club member Gerry Lazzareschi.   Gerry was recently featured in the Press Democrat for going solar … Read more

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Serious Bumps Down the Road for Cap & Trade Program

Dan Morain in a recent editorial entitled “Lining up for the cap and trade gusher,”  does a good job depicting the varied interest groups jockeying for a piece of the AB 32 (Global Warming Solutions Act) pie.  He also rightly expresses concern over a serious potential problem for supporters of cap and trade when transportation … Read more