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Don’t Wait to Install Solar – Costs Could Be Soaring Soon

by Geoffrey D. Smith  |  September 30, 2015 The time is NOW to install solar on your rooftop.  An unprecedented set of challenges to the residential solar industry is threatening our ability to generate energy from the sun in the future: 1)  The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) expiration – The ITC is scheduled to … Read more

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Do You Have EV Envy?

by Niki Woodard   |  September 30, 2015 Do you have EV Envy? I sure do. Having recently paid off my car, I’m working to keep my envy at bay, which is difficult when part of your job description is to tout the benefits of electric vehicles. They’re so quiet and good-looking and zoomy. They … Read more

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A New Day for Energy Efficiency

By Chris Cone, Negawatt Market Project  |  September 30, 2015 When it comes to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, nothing beats energy efficiency. Compared to generating energy (including with renewables), efficiency costs less and delivers more climate protection per dollar invested. Energy efficiency is currently undergoing a paradigm shift. New developments in data sharing/analysis protocols mean … Read more

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Profile: Geof Syphers, Chief Executive Officer of Sonoma Clean Power

By Bill Skoonberg (Guest blog contribution to The Climate Center) Ever wonder what you can do to address the climate crisis? The folks at The Climate Center have been working on that question since their founding in 2001. In 2005, they identified Community Choice energy as the single most powerful tool available to local governments to … Read more

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The Case for Cap and Dividend

by Meghan Demeter  |   September 1, 2015 California has long been at the forefront of climate protection, and the state has been something of a testing ground for environmental and energy legislation. We’ve experienced both successes and failures, and can learn valuable lessons from both. The State has already allocated $1.4 billion in auction … Read more

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ECO2school Receives New Grant

by Amy Jolly  |  September 1, 2015 ECO2school, the Center for Climate Protection’s award-winning youth leadership program for high school students, is excited to begin a partnership with the Department of Health Services for their Safe Routes to School program. Funding is through CalTrans with Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality monies. Students in Sonoma County … Read more

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Electric Vehicle Adoption Predicted to Soar

Press Release, The Climate Center |  August 31, 2015 The Climate Center released today a white paper assessing the status, progress, and benefits of electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Sonoma County. The paper also provides several recommendations to accelerate EV adoption as one of the best opportunities to reduce greenhouse (GHG) emissions from transportation. According … Read more

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The Sun is Rising on a New Day for Solar in Sonoma County

by Geoffrey D. Smith The recent ‘marriage’ of Solar Sonoma County (SSC) with The Climate Center (CCP) is, well, a match made in heaven. SSC has been responsible for a significant increase in installations of photovoltaic (PV) solar throughout the region. SSC has advocated on behalf of hundreds of homeowners and businesses by connecting them … Read more

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Two Hundred Local Solar Vendors Tell Sacramento: We Need Good Solar Policy

by Geoffrey D. Smith  |  August 31, 2015 Rooftop solar owners need strong rules governing “behind the meter” solar generation – collectively known as ‘Net Energy Metering’ (NEM), to protect their investment and support their choice to be energy independent. To that end, we at The Climate Center  follow legislative trends in Sacramento, rule-making at … Read more

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Reflections on China’s Approach to Climate Action

by Paola Alvarado, ECO2school Program Coordinator  |  8/31/2015 One of our very own team members, Paola Alvarado, was granted the opportunity through a partnership between Volunteers in Asia and the U.S State Department of Education and Cultural Affairs to chaperone a group of 17 vibrant young students as they explored Hong Kong and Guangzhou China … Read more