Thanks to the incredible support of activists and partners, the bills below were sent to Governor Newsom’s desk and he signed them on September 16, 2022. Thank Governor Newsom for his signature on these key climate bills:
- AB 1757 sets state targets for cost-effective, proven natural carbon sequestration solutions.
- SB 1137 requires 3,200-foot safety zones between new oil and gas wells and the places where Californians live, work, and play.
- SB 1314 prohibits enhanced oil recovery, a practice that leads to even more dangerous oil drilling.
- AB 1279 requires California to reach carbon neutrality and cut emissions to at least 85 percent below 1990 levels no later than 2045.
- SB 1020 establishes interim clean electricity targets, including a goal to reach 90 percent by 2035.
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