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Washington State voters support transition to electric cars by 2030

from Coltura


  • New polling shows that 59% of voters in Washington state support policy that would require cars and light trucks from 2030 or later be electric in order to be registered in-state
  • These voters believe that this policy would have positive results in efforts to fight climate change and would benefit the health of Washington residents
  • This comes after California Governor Gavin Newsom announced banning gas cars in his state by 2035, five years after a Washington policy may take effect
  • The potential bill, “Clean Cars 2030,” would require that all new passenger vehicles be electric by 2030
  • Matthew Metz, co-executive director of Coltura believes this law would not require large sums of money to be spent by the state:

“It achieves these goals with minimal government spending by creating large, guaranteed EV markets that will incentivize the private sector to invest heavily in electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.”

The Climate Center’s Climate-Safe California Platform includes solutions for clean mobility to cut greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Governor Newsom’s recent Executive Order N-79-20 banning the sale of new gas-powered cars and trucks by 2035 is a great first step, but more is needed to secure climate stability. The Climate Center released a requested Executive Order in alignment with our Climate-Safe California Platform shortly before the Governor’s announcement. 

Read More: https://www.coltura.org/coltura-news/2020/10/7/washington-state-voters-support-transition-to-electric-cars-by-2030