Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1433 (Limón) Gravity-Based Energy Storage Well Pilot Program

Status: Active
Year: 2024

SB 1433 would establish the Gravity-Based Energy Storage Well Pilot Program to first clean up, and then convert idle wells for use as gravity-based energy storage wells to store solar and wind energy and deliver clean electricity when needed. The pilot program would assess the efficacy and safety of gravity-based energy storage wells through 2034 … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1497 (Menjivar) Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act

Status: Inactive
Year: 2024

SB 1497 establishes a program in California’s Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) that will assess fees on the state’s largest fossil fuel polluters to ensure that they pay their fair share of the damage they have caused California and its climate. Fossil fuel corporations rake in record profits year after year while communities of concern across … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 1866 (Hart) Accelerating the closure of idle oil wells

Status: Active
Year: 2024

AB 1866 will protect Californians from the growing impacts of dangerous oil and gas wells across the state by requiring oil companies to accelerate the plugging and clean up of their idle wells. California’s 40,000 idle oil and gas wells pose a serious threat to our safety, health, environment, and climate. Frontline communities suffer disproportionately … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1374 (Becker) Rooftop solar for apartment buildings, schools, and farms

Status: Active
Year: 2024

In order to meet our climate goals, California will need to dramatically increase the amount of installed renewable energy, including substantially increasing the amount of rooftop solar. In November of 2023, the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) issued a decision that makes it much harder for schools, farms, and rental housing to receive economic benefits … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 1359 (Papan) Accelerating Geothermal Power

Status: Active
Year: 2024
Geothermal energy plant. Photo by Canva.

Geothermal power has significant potential to help California meet its climate goals, especially on cloudy days, at night, and in winter when other renewables like solar and wind may be unavailable. Right now, geothermal energy projects are facing delays caused by an outdated provision of state law that threatens to derail geothermal development in California … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 2535 (Bonta) Invest in Clean Air Act

Status: Held in Committee
Year: 2024

AB 2535 would modernize the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) to prioritize investment in electric vehicle charging and infrastructure, and zero-emissions truck infrastructure. This bill would also put environmental safeguards in place for communities most burdened by pollution along trade corridors. Low-income and underserved communities living next to trade corridors suffer disproportionately from transportation-related air … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1095 (Becker) Cozy Homes Cleanup Act

Status: Held in Committee
Year: 2024

SB 1095 removes outdated legal barriers that block Californians from switching their home appliances from gas to electric, making it easier for them to choose appliances that make their homes cozier, healthier, and zero-emission. The bill clarifies the authority of individuals to replace gas with electric appliances in mobile and manufactured homes. It also clarifies … Read more