Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

AB 1519: Fuels transportation program – biomass energy facility

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1519 (Gallagher) Requires the Natural Resources Agency to develop and implement a biomass fuels transportation grant program to offset the cost of transporting fuels to a biomass energy facility. STATUS: DIED 1/31/22 pursuant to Art. IV, Sec. 10(a) of the Constitution (failed to meet deadline).

AB 1634: The Office of Just Transition

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1634 (Boerner-Horvath) This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation to create the Office of Just Transition in the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to help communities and workers transition to carbon neutrality jobs that build a robust clean economy in which all Californians prosper. STATUS: Introduced January 12, 2022. Never … Read more

AB 1674: Photovoltaic requirements: accessory dwelling units

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1674 (Voepel) Would reconsider applying 2020 solar mandate to auxiliary dwelling units (ADUs). STATUS: Double-referred to the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee. Died in committee.

AB 1676: Pipeline safety – carbon dioxide

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1676 (Burke) This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would facilitate the deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration in order to help meet the state’s climate change goals. STATUS: April 25 hearing in the Natural Resources Committee CANCELED at request of author. Dead.

AB 1694: Insurance – investment disclosures

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1694 (Levine) Would require an admitted insurer, on or before January 1, 2024, and on or before each January 1 thereafter, to disclose its investments in fossil fuel-related entities and the fossil fuel-related companies and projects it underwrites or otherwise insures. The bill would require the department to publish that information on its internet website … Read more

AB 1778: State transportation funding – poverty and pollution

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1778 (C. Garcia) This bill would prohibit any state funds or personnel time from being used to fund or permit freeway widening projects in areas with high rates of pollution and poverty. STATUS: APPROVED May 25 in the Assembly; heard June 28 hearing in the Senate Transportation Committee. Failed Passage in Committee.

AB 1814: Transportation electrification – community choice aggregators

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1814 (Grayson) This bill, sponsored by the California Community Choice Association, would authorize CCAs to file applications for programs and investments under the Charge Ahead California Initiative to accelerate widespread transportation electrification. STATUS: April 6 hearing in the Assembly Energy Committee canceled at the request of author. Dead.

AB 1897: Solid waste – reporting, packaging, and plastic food service ware

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1897 (Wicks) Penalties for refineries. Increases the maximum civil penalty applicable to a refinery for discharging air pollutants from $10,000 per day to $30,000 for the initial date of the violation, or $100,000 for the initial date of a second violation within 12 months, subject to certain conditions. STATUS: Gutted/amended; Dead as a refinery penalty bill.