Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

SB 1463: Hydrogen fueling hub – Southern California

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 1463 (Archuleta) Would require the CEC to establish and manage a hydrogen fueling hub in southern California that would include a heavy-duty hydrogen fueling station located at either the Port of Long Beach or the Port of Los Angeles and a medium- and light-duty hydrogen fueling station located within 80 miles of the heavy-duty station. STATUS: … Read more

SB 1486: Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility – reliability

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 1486 (Stern) This bill would have done several things related to the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage facility in southern California including requiring that the Aliso Canyon Withdrawal Protocol remain in effect until the CPUC closes all fossil gas operations at the Aliso Canyon gas storage facility no later than 2027.  STATUS: Killed on the Assembly Floor May 26 — Ayes 5. … Read more

AB 113: Income taxes – electric vehicles

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 113 (Boerner-Horvath) Establishes a state tax credit for purchase of electric vehicle service equipment (charging stations) at multifamily dwellings. STATUS: DIED 1/31/22 pursuant to Art. IV, Sec. 10(a) of the Constitution (failed to meet deadline).

AB 154: Budget Act of 2022

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 154 (Ting) Budget Act of 2022. Makes appropriations for the support of state government for the 2022–23 fiscal year. STATUS: FAILED.

AB 943: California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 -Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund – funding objectives

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 943 (E. Garcia) This bill adds specified resilience, adaptation, and quality of life co-benefits to be included in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) project quantification and revises the criteria for various GGRF grant programs. STATUS: DIED 1/31/22 pursuant to Art. IV, Sec. 10(a) of the Constitution (failed to meet deadline).

AB 1078: Building standards – photovoltaic requirements

Status: Vetoed by Governor

AB 1078 (Patterson) Would have extended by one year an exemption from requirements to include installation of solar on homes being rebuilt that were destroyed by wildfire. It exempts any homes destroyed in the 2020 calendar year and moves the expiration of the exemption from 2023 to 2024. STATUS: Approved in both houses August 30. Vetoed by … Read more

Support if amended

AB 1218: Zero-emission new passenger vehicle and light-duty truck goals

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1218 (McCarty, Berman, Medina, and Ting) This bill sets in law Governor Newsom’s September 2020 Executive Order setting 2035 as the final year that California will register gasoline-powered vehicles. The Climate Center’s position is that the year-certain should be moved up to 2030. Read The Climate Center’s conditional Letter of Support. STATUS: DIED on third reading in Asm Appropriations … Read more

AB 1317: Clean energy

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1317 (Berman) The existing target year for 100% Renewable Portfolio Standard-eligible electricity in the state’s power mix is 2045. This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to accelerate the state’s goal of having 100% of electricity provided by renewable or other zero-carbon sources while maintaining a reliable and resilient electricity … Read more