Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

AB 205

Status: Enacted

AB 205 (Ting and Budget Committee 1) Budget trailer bill. This bill (now law) makes necessary statutory changes to implement the energy related items of the 2022 Budget Act. It has wide ranging impacts related to energy generation and appears to enable an increase in fossil fuel use along with the prospect of keep the Diablo … Read more

AB 1389: Clean Transportation Program – project funding preferences

Status: Enacted

AB 1389 (Reyes) This bill makes various changes to the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, also known as the Clean Transportation Program (CTP). STATUS: APPROVED in both houses August 31. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

AB 1857: Zero Waste Transition Act of 2022

Status: Enacted

AB 1857 (C. Garcia) Zero Waste Transition Act of 2022. This bill would end waste diversion credits that accrue to waste incinerators and require that cities prioritize recycling and composting before turning to incineration. News Release. Read the Author’s Factsheet. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

AB 1909: Bicycle omnibus bill

Status: Enacted

AB 1909 (Friedman) – Vehicles: bicycle omnibus bill. STATUS: SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 2061: Electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Status: Enacted

AB 2061 (Ting) This bill would require that recipients of state funds for electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE, aka EV charging stations) report to the state what their uptime is. This report would help quantify the availability, consistency, and reliability of charging infrastructure. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30; SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

AB 2075: Electric vehicle charging standards

Status: Enacted

AB 2075 (Ting) Would require the CEC to adopt EV charging standards that would be be incorporated into other building design and construction standards. STATUS: APPROVED in the Legislature. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

AB 2204: Labor and Workforce Development Agency – Deputy Secretary for Climate

Status: Enacted

AB 2204 (Boerner Horvath) This bill would establish the Office of Clean Energy Workforce within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency with an executive director appointed by the Governor for the purpose of overseeing California’s transition to a sustainable and equitable carbon neutral economy. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. SIGNED by the Governor on September … Read more

AB 2238: Statewide extreme heat ranking system

Status: Enacted

AB 2238 (L. Rivas) Creates a statewide extreme heat episode ranking/naming system. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses on August 31. SIGNED by the Governor on September 9.

AB 2278: Biodiversity and conservation report

Status: Enacted

AB 2278 (Kalra) A 30 by 30 bill – Requires the Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature on the progress toward achieving the directives established by Executive Order No. N-82-20, relating to, among other things, biodiversity and conservation. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 25. SIGNED by the Governor on … Read more