Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has regulatory authority over public utilities, including electrical corporations. Existing law requires the CPUC and the California Energy Commission (CEC) to undertake specified actions to advance the state’s clean energy and pollution reduction objectives, including, where feasible, cost effective, and consistent with other state policy objectives, increasing the use of large- and small-scale energy storage with a variety of technologies, including green electrolytic hydrogen, as defined. Existing law requires the CPUC, State Air Resources Board (ARB), and CEC to consider green electrolytic hydrogen an eligible form of energy storage, and to consider other potential uses of green electrolytic hydrogen.
This bill would enact the Clean Energy Equity Act and would require the CEC to equitably allocate moneys appropriated by the Legislature for purposes of hydrogen-fueling infrastructure to specifically prioritize rural communities and low-income communities. The bill would require the CEC and ARB except as provided, to jointly review and submit a report to the Legislature on the progress toward establishing a statewide hydrogen-fueling infrastructure that is equally accessible to all communities, especially rural communities and low-income communities.
Status: (Updated 2/2/24): Failed in committee.
Full bill text and related information.