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Geothermal Presentation, 8/31

Community Gathering: Geothermal Presentation, 8/31 You are invited to the next community gathering, Tuesday, August 31, 5:30 to 7:30, Glaser Center in Santa Rosa, for a presentation about geothermal energy in Sonoma County. Bruce Carlsen, Director, Environmental, Health & Safety, Calpine, will speak about the importance of geothermal energy in the switch from fossil fuels … Read more

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Toxic Twins

“Toxic Twins” funding Prop 23 Prop 23 would suspend California’s groundbreaking Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32). A recent study revealed that Valero and Tesoro, the two Texas oil companies bankrolling Proposition 23 to repeal California’s clean air and energy standards, have been repeatedly cited for producing deadly chemicals at their refineries that are exposing … Read more

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Two New Members in Business for Clean Energy

Democrasoft and Sharon Hawthorne of Ask Realty are the most recent businesses to join the Campaign’s Business for Clean Energy Program. ASK stands for Access, Service and Knowledge and refers to the process of inquiry and investigation essential to a successful real estate transactions ASK specializes in Sonoma County real estate. Democrasoft creates successful web-based … Read more

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Stacy Magill Joins Campaign’s Board

We are pleased to announce that Stacy Magill, CFO of Ghilotti Construction Co., has joined the Board of the Climate Protection Campaign. She is a Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, California State Society of Certified Public Accountants, serves as a Board Member of the Bay Area Council and as a Board … Read more

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Community Gathering: Geothermal Power in Sonoma’s Green Energy Future, Aug. 31

You are invited to the next community gathering, Tuesday, August 31, 5:30 to 7:30, Glaser Center in Santa Rosa, for a presentation about geothermal energy in Sonoma County. Bruce Carlsen, Director, Environmental, Health & Safety, Calpine, will speak about the importance of geothermal energy in the switch from fossil fuels to renewables. This is a … Read more

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Codding Joins Business for Clean Energy Program

Codding is an investment holding company with investments in commercial real estate, a commercial construction company, alternative energy, green building product companies, and subsidiary that develops deeply sustainable mixed-use communities.  One of its largest investments is Sonoma Mountain Village, a 200 acre, mixed-use, solar powered, zero waste community internationally recognized as the first One Planet … Read more

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Hans-Josef Fell Talk

Inspiring presentation by German renewables expert; slides available Hans-Josef Fell, member of the German Parliament and internationally-recognized renewables expert, presented at our community gathering earlier this month to a standing-room-only crowd. His slides and background papers are now on our website.

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No on 23

Prop 23: Corporations are at it again Two Texas oil companies are spending millions on Prop. 23, an initiative that will kill California clean energy and air pollution control standards. Prop. 23 will suspend AB 32 California’s historic Global Warming Solutions Act before it gets implemented. Polluters will avoid our state’s clean energy standards, emerging … Read more

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SCEIP is Back

Back from the brink: Sonoma County Energy Independence Program The  Sonoma County Board of Supervisors decided to keep the SCEIP program open for business, despite pressure from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). Taking bold action to ensure the survival of its local innovative energy efficiency program, the County of Sonoma filed suit in federal … Read more

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Senate Whimps Out

What the Senate didn’t do Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) of Nevada announced last Thursday that comprehensive energy reform meant to address climate change could not be passed before the August break.  Reid said that the Senate may pull together a scaled down energy bill but it certainly won’t include a critical price on … Read more