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Another oil project down: Community health and the environment safeguarded

from The Environmental Defense Center


The Environmental Defense Center (EDC) announces the defeat of a proposed project by Aera Energy in the Cat Canyon Oil Field in Santa Barbara County

  • This project could have potentially flooded local roadways, threatened thousands of native oak trees and wildlife, and harmed the water systems
  • The Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter and Santa Barbara County Action Network opposed the projects and two other steam injection projects proposed in Cat Canyonby PetroRock LLC TerraCore 
  • EDC submitted 500 pages on Aera’s draft environmental impact report detailing the inconsistencies about the project’s impacts from oil spills, fires, greenhouse gas emissions, grading of sensitive habitat, paving, trucking on local roads, and freshwater usage
  • The next project EDC is trying to halt is the addition of new wells to Cat Canyon from TerraCore, siting that the project will accelerate the climate crisis by generating greenhouse gas emissions, may jeopardize drinking water quality, use thousands of gallons of local freshwater for drilling, and threaten public safety with the addition of more tanker trucks on roads

The impacts of climate change are hitting harder and faster than expected, posing grave threats to human health and well-being. Lower-income communities are disproportionately affected by exposure to pollution from our fossil fuel economy. Climate Justice involves a climate safe future for all people from all backgrounds and neighborhoods.

Read More: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-27/europe-pledges-green-recovery-in-historic-stimulus-program?