| Press Release

California voters pass Prop 4, the climate bond

Bond secures $10 billion for investments in clean air, clean water, and climate resilience

Climate Action Now
Photo by pxfuel / Fridays for Future.

SACRAMENTO — Moments ago, the Associated Press announced that California’s Proposition 4 has passed. Prop 4 will invest $10 billion in urgent protections against extreme heat, wildfire, sea level rise, and flooding, as well as investments in clean water. The bond also includes funding for California’s farms, natural lands, and waters to build climate resilience.

Baani Behniwal, Natural Carbon Sequestration Initiative Manager for The Climate Center, said:

“We’re thrilled that California voters passed Prop 4 by a 58-42 margin. For years, Californians have been urging our elected officials to do more to prepare for the climate crisis. With Prop 4 guaranteeing investments in clean air and water, solutions to extreme heat, wildfire readiness, and climate-beneficial agriculture, our leaders can now do more to address some of the most pressing issues facing the state. 

“The reality is that $10 billion, while significant, is not enough to guarantee safety, resilience, and security in the face of growing climate extremes. Even during a time of budget uncertainty, California must continue to prioritize climate solutions that reduce pollution and keep people safe. The more our state invests today, the more lives and dollars we will save for years to come.”

The Climate Center worked with the authors of Prop 4 to ensure robust investment in natural climate solutions, provided lead testimony in the legislature, and placed an op-ed in the Sacramento Bee to educate voters. 


Contact: Ryan Schleeter, Communications Director, The Climate Center: ryan@theclimatecenter.org, (415) 342-2386

About The Climate Center:

The Climate Center is a climate and energy policy nonprofit working to rapidly reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California. We are a think-tank, do-tank working to turn bold ideas into action for a climate-safe future. Our flagship Climate-Safe California campaign is a unique and comprehensive effort to make California the first state in the nation to reach carbon negative. www.theclimatecenter.org