About Us

We’re working to rapidly reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California.

Solar Panel Installation
Solar panel installation. Image via Canva.

Since 2001, The Climate Center has been a leader in making climate solutions a reality in California at speed and scale. We are a think-tank, do-tank working to turn bold ideas into action for a climate-safe future.

Our Vision

We believe in thriving, healthy communities. We envision a future where everyone in California enjoys clean air and water, renewable and reliable energy, healthy food, thriving nature, and more.

California has the tools and know-how to make this vision a reality — if our elected leaders act with the urgency the climate crisis demands. California must put policies in place as soon as possible to accelerate equitable climate action, putting us on track to remove more climate pollution than we emit while securing resilient communities for all. That’s how we’ll keep our friends and loved ones safe from worsening climate disasters, create millions of family-sustaining jobs, and give everyone the chance to thrive in the clean energy economy.

As goes California, so goes the world. Working together, we will ensure California leads once again toward a climate-safe future for all.

Our Approach

Our staff and experts are laser-focused on equitably reducing climate pollution at the speed and scale necessary to secure a climate-safe future. We make change through an ambitious and achievable vision, developing science-based research to drive policy, and mobilizing a powerful coalition of climate advocates across sectors. We help Californians turn their concern about the climate crisis into action, building momentum for climate-friendly policies that benefit nature and our communities.

Together with local governments, labor unions, business leaders, environmental organizations, climate justice advocates, and more, we’re pushing lawmakers in Sacramento to enact policies that turn our vision into reality.

These bold policies will unleash innovation across the economy and channel market forces, making climate-friendly choices more accessible for everyone. With the whole of our government and economy moving in the right direction, we’ll cut climate pollution at the speed and scale required to secure a healthy, climate-safe future for all.