Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

Tips for using this bill tracker

Status: Active
Activists line up to participate in the Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice march as part of a global day of action to demand our elected leaders commit to no new fossil fuels and a just and fair transition to 100% renewable energy.

The Climate Center’s Bill Tracker helps you stay on top of the climate bills that are in front of the California legislature — and take action. The tracker includes a curated list of bills addressing energy, climate justice, transportation, adaptation, resilience, sequestration, and other issues related to the climate crisis. To review all bills in … Read more

Sponsored by The Climate Center

SB 59 (Skinner) Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging

Status: Active
Year: 2024

SB 59 — introduced by Senator Nancy Skinner and sponsored by The Climate Center, Union of Concerned Scientists, and NUVVE — aims to unlock the potential for California’s millions of electric vehicles to shore up the electric grid, power homes during outages, and lower energy bills for Californians. The bill would authorize the California Air … Read more


AB 6 (Friedman) Regional transportation plans: Solutions for congested corridors and reduction of GHGs

Status: Active
Golden Gate transit bus

Existing law requires certain transportation planning agencies to prepare and adopt regional transportation plans directed at achieving a coordinated and balanced regional transportation system. Existing law requires each regional transportation plan to also include a sustainable communities strategy prepared by each metropolitan planning organization in order to, among other things, achieve certain targets established by … Read more


SB 56 (Skinner) Load-serving entity integrated resource plans

Status: Active, Two-Year Bill
Wind technicians with clipboard

Existing law requires the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt a process for each load-serving entity (LSE), defined to include the big utilities and CCAs, to file an integrated resource plan (IRP) and a schedule for periodic updates to the plan to ensure that it meets the state’s targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 408 (Wilson) The Climate-resilient Farms, Sustainable Healthy Food Access, and Farmworker Protection Bond Act of 2024

Status: Active, Two-Year Bill

Existing law requires the Department of Food and Agriculture to promote and protect the agricultural industry of the state. Existing law under Article XVI of the California Constitution requires measures authorizing general obligation bonds to specify the single object or work to be funded by the bonds and further requires a bond act to be … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 364 (Bryan) Urban shelter from extreme heat – bus shelters

Status: Active

Existing law authorizes the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to develop, in cooperation with local and regional transportation entities, the full potential of all resources and opportunities that are now, and may become, available to the State and to regional and local agencies for meeting California’s transportation needs. Existing law authorizes the department to do … Read more


AB 610 (Holden) Youth Transit Pass Pilot Program: free youth transit passes.

Status: Active, Two-Year Bill
A woman exiting yellow bus by Canva

Existing law declares that the fostering, continuance, and development of public transportation systems are a matter of State concern and authorizes the Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to administer various programs and allocates moneys for various public transportation purposes. This bill, sponsored by MoveLA, would create the Youth Transit Pass Pilot Program, administered by CalTrans, for … Read more


SB 312 (Wiener) True warm mix asphalt (climate-friendly asphalt)

Status: Active

Existing law authorizes the Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to construct, improve, and maintain state highways and authorizes CalTrans to provide for the payment of extra compensation to a contractor on a road project, as a bonus for completion prior to the specified time. This bill would require CalTrans, until January 1, 2029, to also provide … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 674 (Gonzalez) Refinery fenceline air monitoring systems

Status: Active, Two-Year Bill
Los Angeles oil refinery

Existing law requires a refinery-related community air monitoring system to be installed near each petroleum refinery that meets certain requirements. Existing law requires the owner or operator of a petroleum refinery to develop, install, operate, and maintain a fence-line monitoring system in accordance with guidance developed by the appropriate air quality management district or air … Read more


AB-3. Petroleum refineries: imports

Status: Active, Two-Year Bill

Existing law, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Act) establishes the State Air Resources Board (ARB) as the state agency responsible for monitoring and regulating sources emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs). The Act requires the ARB to ensure that statewide GHGs are reduced to at least 40% below the 1990 level by 2030. The … Read more