Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.


SB 84: Oil and gas wells

Status: Enacted

SB 84 (Hurtado) This bill revises and enhances the legislative reporting requirements of the California Geologic Energy Management Division’s idle oil and gas well program and related matters. STATUS: Signed by the Governor on October 9.


SB 339: Road usage charge pilot program

Status: Enacted

SB 339 (Wiener) This bill extends the Road Usage Charge Technical Advisory Committee until January 1, 2027 and requires the state Transportation Agency to implement a pilot program to test a road usage charge as specified. STATUS: Signed by the Governor on September 24.


SB 423: firm zero-carbon resources

Status: Enacted

SB 423 (Stern) This bill would build on 2018’s SB 100 (de León) and require the Air Resources Board and Energy Commission to, among other things, incorporate emerging renewable energy and firm zero-carbon resources into its energy and resource planning processes. STATUS: Signed by the Governor September 23, 2021.


SB 589: Alternative vehicles and vehicle infrastructure

Status: Enacted

SB 589 (Hueso) This bill expands the types of projects eligible for funding from the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (also known as the Clean Transportation Program). STATUS: Signed by the Governor on October 8.


SB 643: Fuel cell electric vehicle fueling infrastructure and fuel production

Status: Enacted

SB 643 (Archuleta) This bill would create a working group to prepare a statewide assessment of the fuel cell electric vehicle fueling infrastructure and fuel production needed to support the adoption of zero-emission trucks, buses, and off-road vehicles at levels necessary for the state to meet specified goals and requirements relating to vehicular air pollution. … Read more

ACR 109: Extreme heat – state response

Status: Enacted

ACR 109 (C. Garcia) This Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) declares the Legislature’s recognition of the threat that extreme heat poses to communities and calls on the state’s agencies and departments to take immediate action to prepare and protect communities from its impacts. STATUS: APPROVED in the legislature. Signed by the Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State on … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 2438: Transportation funding – guidelines and plans

Status: Vetoed by Governor

AB 2438 (Friedman) Requires specified state transportation funding programs to align with state climate plans and goals and requires the California Transportation Plan (CTP) to be fiscally constrained. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. Vetoed by the Governor’s September 29, 2022.

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 2550: State Air Resources Board – San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 2550 (Arambula) Would require the Air Resources Board to provide technical support and guidance to any air pollution control district that has failed or is unable to achieve national or state ambient air quality standards to assist the district in achieving them. Read The Climate Center’s Letter of Support. Read the May 16 Coalition Letter of Support. STATUS: … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1112: Building decarbonization – notice and recordation of a decarbonization charge

Status: Enacted

SB 1112 (Becker) Establishes requirements for notifications that utilities must provide when adding a charge as part of a program financing energy efficiency upgrades to an existing property. Read The Climate Center’s Letter of Support.  STATUS: APPROVED August 29 in the Senate on concurrence. Signed by the Governor Sept 29, 2022

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1295: Hazardous or deserted wells and facilities – labor standards

Status: Enacted

SB 1295 (Limón) Allows allow CalGEM to collect funds from the oil industry to match expected federal and state dollars dedicated to cleanup of orphan and abandoned oil wells. STATUS: APPROVED in the Legislature; SIGNED by the Governor on September 29.