Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 1177: California Public Banking Option Act

Status: Enacted

AB 1177 (Santiago, et al) This bill, the California Public Banking Option Act (Act), will establish in state government the Public Banking Option Board to administer the BankCal Program, which the Act would create for the purpose of protecting one quarter of California residents who lack access to traditional banking services from predatory, discriminatory, and … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 1346: Small off-road engines

Status: Enacted

AB 1346 (Berman/Gonzalez) This bill requires the Air Resources Board (ARB) to adopt regulations to prohibit emissions from new small off-road engines, to apply to engines produced on or after January 1, 2024, or as soon as ARB determines it is feasible, whichever is later. STATUS: Signed by the Governor October 10.

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 533: Electrical corporations wildfire mitigation plans, deenergization events

Status: Enacted

SB 533 (Stern) This bill requires IOUs to identify which circuits are frequently de-energized and the steps taken to reduce the need for de-energization in their wildfire mitigation plans, and requires electrical corporations to collaborate with local governments, tribal governments, and CCAs to develop microgrids and other energy solutions. STATUS: Signed by the Governor on … Read more


AB 322: Electric Program Investment Charge program

Status: Enacted

AB 322 (Salas) This bill would require the California Energy Commission to allocate not less than 20% of the funds appropriated for the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) program to bioenergy projects for biomass conversion. STATUS: Signed by the Governor September 23, 2021.

AB 416: California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

Status: Vetoed by Governor

AB 416 (Kalra) The Deforestation-Free Procurement Act aims to eliminate contracts for goods and services procured by California that result in deforestation. See author’s factsheet. STATUS: Vetoed by the Governor on October 5. Read his Veto Statement.


AB 843: California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program

Status: Enacted

AB 843 (Aguiar-Curry) This is a bill that empowers Community Choice agencies (CCAs) to submit eligible bioenergy procurement contracts to the CPUC for cost recovery, as investor owned utilities (IOUs) are able to do. STATUS: Signed by the Governor September 23, 2021.


AB 1124: Solar energy systems

Status: Enacted

AB 1124 (Friedman) This bill would revise the definition of “solar energy system” to include any structural design feature by eliminating the provision that it be a feature of a building. The bill would specify certain structural design features to be included in the definition, including solar racking, solar mounting, and elevated solar support structures, … Read more


SB 1: Sea level rise

Status: Enacted

SB 1 (Atkins) Addresses sea level rise. This bill would create within state government the California Sea Level Rise State and Regional Support Collaborative. STATUS: Signed by the Governor September 23, 2021.


SB 44: California Environmental Quality Act

Status: Enacted

SB 44 (Allen) Would provide expedited judicial review of CEQA challenges for Environmental Leadership Transit Projects, which are defined as major public transit rail line infrastructure projects that meet certain sustainability standards and labor requirements. STATUS: Signed by the Governor on October 7.

SB 83: Sea Level Rise Revolving Loan Program

Status: Vetoed by Governor

SB 83 (Allen) This bill would create the Sea Level Rise Revolving Loan Program within the I-Bank to provide low-interest loans to local jurisdictions for the purchase of coastal properties in their jurisdictions identified as vulnerable coastal property. STATUS: Vetoed by the Governor. Read his Veto Statement.