Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 617: Residential solar energy systems – permitting

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 617 (Wiener) This bill would require every city and county to implement an online, automated permitting platform that verifies code compliance and instantaneously issues permits for a residential solar-photovoltaic electricity system and an energy storage system paired with a residential solar-photovoltaic energy system. The bill also authorizes the California Energy Commission to provide technical … Read more

SB 730: Resource adequacy requirements

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 730 (Bradford) Would have required that demand response products and tariffs required within the resource adequacy program be cost effective. STATUS: Introduced, never calendared.

Sponsored by The Climate Center

SB 27: Carbon sequestration on natural and working lands, registry of projects

Status: Enacted

SB 27 (Skinner) Creates the California Carbon Sequestration and Climate Resilience Project Registry in order to maintain a list of eligible but unfunded projects, which then may be funded by public or private entities in order to mitigate California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve climate resilience. Also directs the CA Air Resources Board to … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 596: Greenhouse gases – net-zero emissions strategy

Status: Enacted

SB 596 (Becker) SB 596 requires the Air Resources Board to establish a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the concrete and cement sector by 40% from 2019 levels by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible, but no later than 2045. Per the latest science and rapidly worsening climate … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 39: California-China Climate Institute

Status: Enacted

AB 39 (Chau) This bill will establish in statute the California-China Climate Institute, housed at UC Berkeley, in partnership with the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University, China to foster collaboration to inform and shape climate policy and advance the goals of the Paris Agreement, advance joint policy research on major … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 43: Traffic Safety

Status: Enacted

AB 43 (Friedman, Ting Chiu, Quirk) The bill would require the California Traffic Safety Program to identify and address locations with pedestrian and bicycle related crashes and would extend the period of time a lowered speed limit can be justified as necessary for safety (as opposed to being used as a speed trap) if there … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 339: Open and public meetings

Status: Vetoed by Governor

AB 339 (Cristina Garcia, Lee) Originally this is a bill aimed at improving on the existing open meetings laws (Ralph M. Brown, Bagley Keene, and the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Acts). It now focuses only on local government and the Brown Act, to ensure meaningful public participation in light of the increased use of remote access … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 525: Offshore wind generation

Status: Enacted

AB 525 (Chiu) Introduced by Assembly Members Chiu, Cunningham, and Friedman (Assembly Coauthors: Bennett, Calderon, Quirk, and Ting) (Senate Co-authors: Eggman, Wiener) A bill to promote offshore wind-power development. Read The Climate Center’s Letter of Support. See author’s factsheet. STATUS: Signed by the Governor September 23, 2021.

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 680: California Jobs Plan Act of 2021

Status: Enacted

AB 680 (Burke) This bill would would require the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to work with the Air Resources Board to update the funding guidelines for administering  agencies to ensure that all applicants to grant programs funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund meet specified standards, including fair and responsible employer standards and inclusive  … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 896: Oil and gas wells and facilities

Status: Enacted

AB 896 (Bennett) This bill would strengthen enforcement of payment of fines for hazardous idle oil & gas wells. Read the coalition Letter of Support that The Climate Center signed onto. STATUS: Signed by the Governor October 8.