Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

AB 699: Flexible Demand Appliance Rebate Program

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 699 (Salas) This bill would require the California Public Utilities Commission to establish the Flexible Demand Appliances Rebate Program to incentivize the deployment of qualified flexible demand appliances to certain residential ratepayers. STATUS: Died May 20 in Asm Appropriations Committee.

AB 1371: Recycling – plastic packaging and carryout bags

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1371 (Friedman) This bill would have prohibited online retailers that sell or deliver products in California from using single-use plastic packaging that consists of shipping envelopes, cushioning, or void fill to package or transport the products, on and after January 1, 2023, for large online retailers, and on and after January 1, 2025, for … Read more

AB 1395: The California Climate Crisis Act

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1395 (Muratsuchi) This bill would declare that it is the policy of the state to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions and reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions by at least 90 percent below the 1990 level no later than 2045, and to achieve and maintain net negative GHG emissions thereafter. The Climate Center supports this … Read more

AB 1453: Just Transition Advisory Commission – Just Transition Plan

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 1453 (Muratsuchi) This bill would establish a Just Transition Advisory Commission in the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and would require the Commission to develop a Just Transition Plan that contains recommendations to transition the state’s economy to a climate- resilient and low-carbon economy that maximizes the benefits of climate actions while minimizing burdens … Read more

Support if amended

SB 18: Green hydrogen – emissions of greenhouse gases

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 18 (Skinner) This bill that had several elements aimed at advancing green hydrogen in California. Read The Climate Center’s letter of conditional support with proposed amendments. STATUS:  8/12/2022 Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(15)

Sponsored by The Climate Center

SB 99: Community Energy Resilience Act of 2021

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 99 (Dodd) The bill we sponsored, the Community Energy Resilience Act, did not clear the Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 26. This was a surprising outcome as the bill had previously received unanimous bipartisan support throughout the legislative process and wassupported by a wide coalition of organizations. A hearty thank you to all of … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 467: Oil well setbacks

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 467 (Wiener, Limón) This bill would have imposed health & safety setbacks from oil & gas extraction operations, prohibited fracking and other extreme oil & gas extraction methods, and addressed a just transition for workers and their families. STATUS: Failed on April 13 in the Natural Resources Committee. Vote results: Ayes: Allen, Laird, Limón, … Read more

SB 551: California Zero-Emission Vehicle Authority

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 551 (Stern) This bill would have established the California Electric Vehicle Authority within the Governor’s office and would require the authority to coordinate activities among state agencies to advance electric vehicle and zero-emission charging infrastructure deployment as well as ensure related equity, workforce development, economic development, and other needs are addressed. STATUS: Held August … Read more