Supported by The Climate Center

AB 2535 (Bonta) Invest in Clean Air Act

Diesel trucks emit pollutants that endanger communities who live along trade corridors like this highway. Photo via Canva.

AB 2535 would modernize the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) to prioritize investment in electric vehicle charging and infrastructure, and zero-emissions truck infrastructure. This bill would also put environmental safeguards in place for communities most burdened by pollution along trade corridors.

Low-income and underserved communities living next to trade corridors suffer disproportionately from transportation-related air pollution from diesel trucks and trains. AB 2535 would invest in a zero-emissions freight and rail system, which will reduce diesel emissions, greenhouse gases, and other toxic pollutants.

Right now, the California Transportation Commission allocates less than 4 percent of TCEP funds to zero-emission freight infrastructure. Instead, they have prioritized highway expansion projects that increase volumes of diesel vehicles in pollution-burdened communities.

This bill would require the California Transportation Commission to invest in zero-emission truck infrastructure and freeway improvements that ensure improved pedestrian safety and air quality near freeways. During a challenging budget year, AB 2535 will use existing funds to advance the State’s air quality, climate, and equity goals. 

Committee Location: AB 2535 was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 16, 2024.

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