Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.
The Climate Center’s Bill Tracker helps you stay on top of the climate bills that are in front of the California legislature — and take action. The tracker includes a curated list of bills addressing energy, climate justice, transportation, adaptation, resilience, sequestration, and other issues related to the climate crisis. To review all bills in … Read more
The Polluters Pay Climate Superfund Act, introduced as SB 684 (Menjivar) in the Senate and AB 1243 (Addis) in the Assembly, would ensure that polluters pay their fair share for the climate damage they have caused in California. If passed, it will generate funds to invest in energy efficiency, natural systems climate resilience, accelerating the … Read more
The Polluters Pay Climate Superfund Act, introduced as SB 684 (Menjivar) in the Senate and AB 1243 (Addis) in the Assembly, would ensure that polluters pay their fair share for the climate damage they have caused in California. If passed, it will generate funds to invest in energy efficiency, natural systems climate resilience, accelerating the … Read more