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Tell Governor Newsom and state leaders: Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies and prioritize climate investments

Gavin Newsom by Charlie Kaijo
Photo by Charlie Kaijo.

California’s 2024-2025 state budget includes billions in cuts to climate and energy investments but protects taxpayer-funded subsidies for oil and gas corporations. Coming off the hottest year on record, California needs to strengthen critical climate programs, not cut them. Every dollar we invest in fighting the climate crisis today will save lives!

Many predict that the state will face a multi-billion-dollar deficit for years to come. Governor Newsom must eliminate all subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuel corporations. Eliminating these subsidies will free up millions — if not billions — to invest in climate solutions for all. The state makes billions in subsidies and tax breaks available to fossil fuel corporations every year, even as they rake in record profits. It’s time to stop propping up corporate polluters and use our tax dollars to protect frontline community health, grow the clean energy economy, implement sustainable agricultural practices, and more. Three small fossil fuel subsidies were cut from the 2024-2025 budget, but he can and should go further. 

Tell Governor Newsom and state lawmakers to cut all fossil fuel subsidies and prioritize climate investments.

Tell California leaders to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies today!

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