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Environmentalists to Biden: Say no to fossil fuel advisers

Joe Biden

by Angely Mercado, Grist


  • One hundred and forty different environmental groups have signed on to a letter to Presidential hopeful, Joe Biden, asking him to abstain from adding any fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, or representatives from his presidential cabinet and administration
  • Groups that signed on include: Sunrise Movement, MoveOn, Zero Hour, Greenpeace, 350 Action, and Indivisible
  • The letter comes after reports of natural gas industry reps were weighing into Biden’s climate policy platform
  • Many believe that having Obama administration climate officials on Biden’s team will not yield results at the pace that is needed to avoid climate catastrophe
  • Charlie Jiang, a climate campaigner for Greenpeace USA, wants to make sure the right people are involved in Biden’s administration:

“We shouldn’t even be entertaining the idea that the same fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, and representatives who have contributed to the climate emergency would then be tasked with trying to fix it…There are thousands of individuals who are deep experts in climate action and clean energy…. I’m sure they’ll absolutely be happy to answer the call to public service in the Biden administration” 

There are dozens of scalable solutions available now to reverse the climate crisis. The time is right for more aggressive climate action in California, serving as an example to inspire and move the world.  For a safe and healthy future for all, endorse the Climate-Safe California Platform to implement scalable solutions that can reverse the climate crisis.

Read More: https://grist.org/politics/environmentalists-to-joe-biden-say-no-to-fossil-fuel-advisers/