Business Network Breakfast: Strategies for Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere

Farmworkers on a climate-friendly farm in Northern California. Photo by The Climate Center.

California has just set some of the most ambitious targets in the world for natural carbon removal. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tells us that, in addition to rapidly cutting emissions, we must remove about a trillion tons of carbon from the atmosphere by the end of the century to stay below 2 degrees Celsius of warming. Strategies for carbon removal range from wetland restoration and climate-beneficial farming to technological approaches like Direct Air Capture, which uses chemical or physical processes to extract carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air and store it.

Join Baani Behniwal of The Climate Center and Vikrum Aiyer of Heirloom Carbon, a company that is pioneering Direct Air Capture in California, to discuss why and how California is employing Carbon Dioxide Removal.

This event is open to members of The Climate Center’s Business Network and invited guests. For more information on how to join the Business Network, please contact us at



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