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Local Economies Benefit from Sonoma Clean Power: Town of Windsor Reports Big Savings

by Woody Hastings  |   posted July 27, 2015

The Town of Windsor recently announced that it is saving eight times more than it had expected as a result of becoming a customer of Sonoma Clean Power.

Windsor was the first municipality to join Sonoma Clean Power back in May of 2013. When Sonoma Clean Power initiated service the following year, the Town estimated that it would save $1,000 per month beginning July 2014 for the municipal accounts transferred to Sonoma Clean Power in the first phase.

Town Manager Linda Kelly, however, reports, “The Town is pleased to be experiencing a savings of over $8,000 per month in electricity charges as a result of converting those accounts to Sonoma Clean Power. This is more than eight times the savings that was originally estimated.”

“As a result of converting 130 meters to Sonoma Clean Power, the Town is on track to recognize over $100,000 in cost savings in the 2015 calendar year,” stated Camille Kazarian, Administrative Services Director. She noted that because energy rates vary, the Town will continue to monitor the financial performance of its energy accounts both at PG&E and Sonoma Clean Power.

The Climate Center is proud to have played a role in educating and building momentum for Sonoma Clean Power. It continues its work to catalyze the formation of new Community Choice programs in other parts of the State. Our observations indicate that about 70 local governments throughout California are evaluating Community Choice energy for their communities.

Woody Hastings is the Renewable Energy Implementation Manager for The Climate Center.