Young people may not be responsible for the climate crisis but they do have a commitment to creating a livable future. Climate Protection Campaign’s Youth Advisory Board brought students from around Sonoma County together to talk about how to make their school campuses some sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint.
Press Democrat Extra Credit Blog Saturday, October 4, 2014
Santa Rosa teens hold conference on climate change
How can kids create a recycling program at their school? How can they spread the word about climate change through social media? Or get their peers to ride bikes instead of drive cars to school? These were among the topics teens spoke to their peers about recently at the second Green Teen Gathering at Montgomery High School.
A youth advisory board to the Climate Protection Campaign, composed of local high schoolers, organized the event, which drew about 50 students from around the county.
Maria Casciani, a Montgomery High School senior, dreamed up and organized the first conference last year after joining her school’s small Green Team and seeing a need to connect with students doing similar work at other schools. “I thought that to make a bigger impact, we needed to connect as a force,” she said.
Presentations this year included:
A talk by Maria Carrillo Senior Sam Perry about how to start a recycling program at her school, that included building from scratch a trailer that janitors could hook onto a golf cart and use to transport recycling.
A presentation by Montgomery High School Senior Jack Brunson on bringing composting to one’s home or school.
A discussion by Windsor Senior Serah Almeyda about her Global Student Embassy Club’s efforts to create a garden at Cali Calmecac Language Academy.
A presentation by David Eik about how the drought is affecting Sonoma County and how students can help conserve water.
A discussion by Analy High School Junior Quiana Stodder about the school’s bike club and how to promote bicycling among fellow students.
A booth managed by Montgomery High School Senior Mackenzie Keith about using social media to spread awareness of climate change.
Students on the Youth Advisory Board learn leadership and life skills while making a positive impact in their community. If you would like to know more about the Youth Advisory Board contact