Are you feeling grief, outrage, or both? Please join us and use these feelings as fuel to create something powerful and positive.
How? One word: Solutions.
Let’s spread clean energy solutions that create jobs, stabilize energy prices, and offer an alternative model that gives power to the people.
The Climate Center has solutions that do just this.
Please click on the links below to learn more about the powerful impacts of our solutions. To support these solutions, click here.
Clean Energy • Transportation • Youth Leadership • Business for Clean Energy

Ann Hancock
Co-Founder of The Climate CenterAnn co-founded The Climate Center in 2001. She has been a key leader in the rapid growth of Community Choice Energy, which now serves over 11 million Californians with 88 percent clean energy. Through her leadership, the organization built a strong core team that is focused on a theory of change that drives our mission. Ann holds a Master’s degree in Public Health Administration and Planning from the University of California, Berkeley.