It is hard for me to fathom that June 30 is my last day at The Climate Center, the organization Mike Sandler and I co-founded 20 years ago. I have fully devoted myself to this effort for these two decades.
My husband Jack suffers from Crohn’s Disease and has for the forty-plus years we have been together. His health has reached a stage that it is time for me to center my attention on him and affairs at home.
This transition is much easier for me than it might otherwise have been because Ellie is a master CEO – visionary, strategic, powerful, whip-smart, and committed. I am grateful to her for assuming leadership of the organization in September 2019. If you thought I already retired – Ellie and I have worked side-by-side since she became CEO. She urged me to consider an extended leave of absence. I declined because I want to be free of responsibilities and expectations.
As I close this chapter and start the next, my two watchwords are uncertainty and openness – uncertainty about Jack’s and my trajectory, and openness to possibilities. I still have lots of energy, passion, and commitment. Who knows? I may return to work at The Climate Center at some point.
I am grateful to you, my beloved community. I have been privileged to know and work with you. You have helped give my life meaning. Together we have accomplished so much. Plus the parties and fun! Rant-a-thons, ecobabes, bus trips, packing the city and county chambers, putting wind in the sails, being a model for other communities, making BIG things happen. Speed and scale, baby!
Because this transition is sad for me, I want no gatherings or commemorations.
OK. If you insist on doing something, donate. (How could you respect me if I did not suggest this?!)
Remember, I’m here until June 30, so please feel free to contact me about work at ann@theclimatecenter.org.
From July 1 on, I’m reachable at bigvision@comcast.net, 415-298-1224, P.O. Box 558, Graton, CA 95444.
Love, Ann
PS Link here to see some of our fun photos from the past.