Advanced Energy Economy: Pathway to 2050
WHEN: August 20, 2015 in Sacramento, CA
The annual Sacramento event brings together an influential group of advanced energy business leaders and state policy-makers who discuss opportunities to accelerate California’s economy through the growth of advanced energy.
This year’s event topics will explore the following questions:
- How do utility business models change as they absorb a rapid influx of advanced energy technologies?
- What innovative finance mechanisms can be used to maximize the impact of cap and trade revenues?
- How can California most cost-effectively achieve an RPS goal of 50%?
- What can be done to significantly increase the energy efficiency of homes and businesses?
The 2015 Pathway to 2050 event site is now open for registration. AEE members and government officials enjoy complimentary registration.
Register to attend Pathway to 2050>
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Stacey Meinzen
Communications ManagerStacey Meinzen has nineteen years of experience as a communications and research professional.