Hazzahs, woots, and yahoos could be heard and seen reverberating around the clean energy community world throughout the afternoon on Tuesday, August 28 after the California State Assembly approved Senate Bill 100, the Kevin de León bill that sets a goal of 100% low or no carbon renewable energy by the year 2045.
The bill still needs to be voted on by the Senate by Friday, August 31, and then signed by the governor, but the bill is expected to be approved by the Senate, and a bill like this would be politically difficult to veto for a governor who has made clean energy and climate action such a high priority for his legacy.
The eighteen operational Community Choice agencies in California that are leading the transition to a renewable energy economy, are well-positioned to continue that leadership to the 100% goal, probably before 2045.
California Lawmakers Set Goal for Carbon-Free Energy by 2045
by Ivan Penn, New York Times, August 28,2018
California Is Close to Passing a Bill That Would Require 100% Clean Energy by 2045
By Natasha Bach, Fortune, August 26, 2018
Late-breaking news! In addition to SB 100 making it out of the Assembly, SB 700, the bill that will extend consumer incentives for energy storage systems (batteries to store solar power) through 2025 was also just approved. Like SB 100, 700 also needs to make it out of the Senate and be signed by the governor. Call your Senate representative today! The growth of storage is critical to the future of all solar and other renewable energy installations.
Sample script:
Hello, my name is (your name) and I’m your constituent. I’m calling to ask the senator to please vote for SB 700 when it comes up for a vote on the floor. This bill is critical to meeting the state’s clean energy goals, addressing grid reliability issues, and protecting tens of thousands of solar jobs. Thank you!