If you drive an electric vehicle, or are considering one, or are just curious about them, the Climate One program at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco will be hosting a crowd-sourced program on August 20th titled EV Riders. Unlike many other programs where we hear the marketing spiel or what advertisers say about plug-in, hybrid, and electric vehicles, Climate One will ask the day to day drivers why they chose EVs and what makes it a better car to drive. They’ll discuss major issues of electric vehicles including range anxiety, environmental benefits, and other EV issues.
Date: Monday, August 20
Time: 5:30 p.m. check-in, 6 p.m. program, 7 p.m. networking reception
Location: The Commonwealth Club, SF Club Office, 595 Market Street, San Francisco
Contact Brad Heavner for more information: brad@theclimatecenter.org; 707-525-1665 x123.