Senator Anna M. Caballero was not only the first female Mayor elected in the 126-year history of the City of Salinas, but also the first Latina elected to represent the 28th Assembly District in 2006. In 2011, she was hired by Governor Edmund G. Brown to serve as a member of his cabinet where she served as the Secretary of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency. Secretary Caballero’s mission mirrored her 34-year career fighting for working families. Caballero’s responsibility as Secretary included the oversight of departments charged with funding affordable housing, civil rights enforcement, banking and financial transactions, consumer protection, and the licensing of three million working professionals. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Caballero served as a member of the California State Assembly for four years, Mayor of Salinas, and Council Member for fifteen years. A graduate of UCLA law school and UC San Diego, Caballero has dedicated her professional life to families in rural California. She represented farm workers as an attorney for California Rural Legal Assistance, and she and two colleagues formed the law firm Caballero, Matcham and McCarthy. Prior to her election to the Assembly, Caballero established a non-profit organization dedicated to youth violence prevention, Partners for Peace.
Senator Anna M. Caballero
California State Senate, District 14