
AB 761 (Friedman) Transit Transformation Task Force

Golden Gate transit bus
Image credit: Deposit Photos

Existing law establishes the Transportation Agency, which consists of various departments and state entities, including the California Transportation Commission and the Department of Transportation. Under existing law, the agency is under the supervision of an executive officer known as the Secretary of Transportation, who is required to develop and report to the Governor on legislative, budgetary, and administrative programs to accomplish comprehensive, long-range, and coordinated planning and policy formulation in the matters of public interest related to the agency.

Existing law provides for the funding of public transit, including under the Transportation Development Act.

This bill would require the secretary, on or before July 1, 2024, to establish and convene the Transit Transformation Task Force to include representatives from the department, the Controller’s office, various local agencies, academic institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders. The bill would require the task force to develop a structured, coordinated process for early engagement of all parties to develop policies to grow transit ridership and improve the transit experience for all users of those services. The bill would require the secretary, in consultation with the task force, to prepare and submit a report of findings based on the task force’s efforts to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature on or before January 1, 2025. The bill would require the report to include a detailed analysis of specified issues and recommendations on specified topics. The provisions of the bill would be repealed on January 1, 2028.

Full bill text and related information.

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