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Vote like the future of humanity depends on it — because it does

by Bill McKibben, Rolling Stone


  • The US withdrawal of the Paris Agreement will be finalized on November 4th, one day after the presidential election 
  • Climate change is a top-tier issue for Americans, particularly youth who consider this one of the most important issues of their time, as climate impacts intersect with race, equity, and justice 
  • The world has warmed 1 degree C and has resulted in the melting of arctic ice, drought, and extended wildfire seasons and may rise more than 3 degrees Celsius from preindustrial levels due to lack of fast climate action
  • New studies show that the United States could cut its current power sector emissions 80% by 2035 and create 20 million jobs along the way
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden and Califonia Senator Kamala Harris have the best climate policies on a presidential ticket ever
  • Another four years of a Trump presidency will guarantee more anti-environment legislation that will put the Earth on the fast track to rising temperatures

Scientists are increasingly warning that to avoid catastrophic impacts from climate change. Make sure to vote for candidates who care about stopping the climate crisis. For a safe and healthy future for all, endorse the Climate-Safe California Platform to implement scalable solutions that can reverse the climate crisis.

Read More: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/bil-mckibben-2020-election-climate-crisis-1064873/