December 13, 2021 — Today, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a new proposed rule impacting small-scale solar energy and storage across California. The proposal includes a new fee structure that will make rooftop solar and customer-owned batteries cost-prohibitive for the average Californian.
In response, The Climate Center Energy Program Manager Woody Hastings said:
“Overall, the draft rules regulators have agreed to benefit the big utilities at the expense of California families and small business owners. In order to curb climate change and provide reliable, affordable electricity, California needs more solar and storage, not less. Though the CPUC has outlined some meaningful benefits for qualified low-income customers, this proposal would put small-scale solar and storage out of reach for many lower to middle-income communities just as it was becoming more affordable.
“People across the state are increasingly demanding local, clean energy resources as wildfire threats mount, public safety power shut-offs become more frequent, and investor-owned utility rates increase. We strongly urge the CPUC to reconsider this rule change and pursue policies in the best interest of our communities, not corporate utilities.”
The full proposed decision from the CPUC is available here. A summary of the new fees and rate changes, as well as when they would into effect, is available here.
Contact: Ryan Schleeter, Communications Director, The Climate Center:, (415) 342-2386
About The Climate Center:
The Climate Center is a climate and energy policy nonprofit working to rapidly reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California. Our flagship Climate-Safe California campaign is a unique and comprehensive effort to make California the first state in the nation to reach carbon negative.