00:21:29 The Climate Center: Hello! 00:22:43 María Montes: Buenas días habrá traducción ? 00:24:38 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/endorse/ 00:25:22 Pamela Martinez, The Climate Center: @Maria Montes - buenos días, desafortunadamente no habra traducción el día de hoy 00:27:36 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/transportation/urge-state-officials-to-transition-to-equitable-affordable-and-clean-transportation-fuels/ 00:27:54 kent morris: By “phasing out fossil fuels” do you mean that all things made out of plastic—cars, computers, household/medical devices, eating utensils, etc. will be replaced by plant-based materials? 00:28:15 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/julia-may/ 00:28:29 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/alicia-rivera/ 00:28:40 Nik: What % of Ca vehicles do you see being EVs and how will the electric grid be able to handle the load? 00:28:50 louis: Could you please allow us to copy the links? 00:28:55 Dave Shukla: if CARB really wants a clean transport fuels plan, they could scrap the hydroge hubs projects... 00:29:00 Nikki Alvarado: yes 00:29:44 Dulce Altamirano: I would have liked there to be a translation for better understanding for those of us who do not speak English very well. 00:30:01 Beverly DesChaux: Dave Shukla Completely agree about scraping hydrogen!!! 00:30:15 Jane Goldberg: Are cars being bought over state lines and brought into CA after 2035 addressed? 00:32:13 Nik: If refineries are phased out, won’t jet fuel be produced by less-regulated facilities and imported to CA? 00:36:58 fe koons: The strategy is there is NO DEMAND FOR FOSSIL FUEL, then vehicles, trucks must be ELECTRIC. The City of Carson has just addded more charging stations to meet the demand in 2028 Olympics. 00:37:29 Nik: What about planes? Jet demand in CA is about equal to diesel demand… 00:42:57 Dave Shukla: refinery inputs/outputs huge contributor to CA's emissions load... 00:44:00 Nik: Won’t the fuels just be made else where and imported thereby increasing shipping emissions and putting other communities at risk? What timeframe are we talking about?? 00:44:41 louis: In the process of listening to this presentation, it strikes me that it has been stated numerous times that disadvantaged communities and communities of color primarily live near refineries. I'm thinking that it would be respectful to have similar presentations in the languages of those communities. Also it should be considered to give those presentations at community centers and similar places versus on the web. 00:45:28 dan: I agree^^ 00:46:11 Ayla Paz (she/her), Local Clean Energy Alliance: ^^ seconded!! These communities are the ones who most need this information. 00:48:17 Eric Furth (Dept. of Conservation): Where did you get the "25% of the US will be unlivable in 30 years" statistic? 00:48:24 Zia Ahmed: To be disadvantage in life doesn't necessarily mean that there is another language used. I bet they are Americans and been living there for generations. 00:49:04 John K.: I didn’t realize how big refineries are, nor how complex the refining process is. I also didn’t realize how close people are living to these giant, dirty, insufficiently regulated facilities. Very informative presentation. Thank you Alicia and Julia. 00:49:05 Bahram Fazeli: Excellent Presentation! 00:49:06 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/brian-white/ 00:49:26 Lizette Inzunza: Thanks Julia and Alicia!! 00:50:19 Dave Shukla: Great presentation 00:50:41 Jan Callaghan, Rodeo: Great to see you Julia, thanks for all that you do for a better world!! 00:51:12 Jan Callaghan, Rodeo: Thank you too Woody !! 00:51:56 Linda Rudolph: A big thank you to the refinery workers who have been at the forefront of working for decades to protect the health and safety of workers and of the communities in which they work. We cannot abandon these workers. 00:53:40 Dulce Altamirano: good job Alicia and Julia nice 👏 00:56:45 Greg Karras: Thanks BK! 00:57:05 Rebecca E.: Really appreciate that perspective! 00:57:05 Faraz Rizvi: Appreciate everything you do BK 00:57:13 Norman Rogers USW LOCAL 675: Yes, thanks BK. 00:57:15 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/siva-gunda/ 00:57:24 Ben Smith - Greenpeace USA: Thanks BK for your leadership and insights. Super helpful as always. 00:57:47 Connie C. (she/her) - APEN: Thank you so much — Julia, Alicia, and BK! 00:58:04 Connie C. (she/her) - APEN: We appreciate your leadership, deep knowledge, advocacy, and partnership so much! 00:59:49 Clair Brown: Julia, Alicia, and BK—Richmond benefits so much from all your hard work and your knowledge—Super thanks! 00:59:51 Nik: How does the LCFS price increase play into this difference? 01:00:44 Zia Ahmed: May I ask if we can get the recording send out to us? 01:01:44 Pamela Martinez, The Climate Center: Yes, the recording and slides will be shared out with everyone 01:02:20 Zia Ahmed: Thank you so much... 01:07:43 Julia: There was a question about 25% of the U.S. could be practically unliveable in 30 years - that was from First Street report on heat hazards 8/15/22, I am looking for the link for you. 01:10:20 Julia: FYI- CBE is planning a Spanish language presentation of our materials - don't have a date yet. 01:10:52 Dave Shukla: i'm hearing a lot of arguments for expanding rooftop solar and storage combined with bidirectional charging... 01:11:00 ilonka (OGAN): what is CARBOB? 01:11:33 Julia: CARBOB is gasoline that meets tighter California standards. 01:12:10 Vanessa Forsythe she/her: yes bi directional and microgrids 01:14:34 ilonka (OGAN): Great simple metric to enforce! 01:14:51 Nik: Will we need to build more storage tanks then? 01:15:10 Shiriel King Abramson: @Dave Yes. This is one of our initiatives at The Climate Center. Bidirectional EVs can act as batteries on wheels, charging up on rooftop solar and then discharging to the grid during times of peak demand 01:16:03 Chip Gribble: Increase storage through reduced demand!? 01:16:36 Julia: Re question above on phasing out fossil fuels, and do we include plastics and other products - 2 things: 1) Most refinery production produces Gasoline & Diesel (we need to phase out in favor of electrified transportation, 2) Jet, plastics, petrochemical feedstocks are far lower part of refineries - we support using Zero Emission energy sources first, and we do not support expansion of plastics production, which is proposed by the fossil fuel industry. There may be some very small exceptions, but most fossil fuels needs to be phased out. 01:16:42 Greg Karras: Storage tanks that hold the gasoline and blending components when there is sufficient inventory are still there when the inventory is drained by exports. So no, we need not expand oil infrastructure as demand for it declines. Of course?) 01:16:44 Beverly DesChaux: better that EVs supply directly to their own homes instead of feeding the mega beast 01:17:47 Stephen Rosenblum: We need to have a refinery phaseout plan where the refineries fund a bond to transition their workers and local communities to other industries. 01:17:54 Chip Gribble: I look forward to seeing the recording as I need to break off now. Thank you very much! 01:18:14 Julia: Note comment made by Greg Karras above, re storage of gasoline and other finished refinery products, and storage options - Greg has published and submitted technical comments that are very important on this issue - we can make available in the follow-up materials. 01:18:27 Eric Furth (Dept. of Conservation): Also need to hop off, thank you all for this presentation! 01:18:35 Aria Berliner: Please email aria.berliner@energy.ca.gov if you or your organization is interested in joining the working group. 01:19:01 fe koons: there are also a change in lifestyle-- ridesharing, using electric bicycles, wind and solar. 01:19:24 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she | her): Thanks to the Climate Center folks - Woody, Marc and Stacey - working behind the scenes (and as moderator) to plan and implement this excellent webinar! 01:24:37 Greg Karras: Perhaps a full-scale transformation of the energy system in our economy is an opportunity to recognize the need for a full scale upgrade of labor rights policies? 01:25:16 Nik: How much will this transition cost? 01:26:20 Greg Karras: Less than climate chaos Nik 01:26:39 Nik: If you have a plan to end a business, how do we make sure the necessary sustaining capital is invested in orphaned facilities 01:26:48 Nik: Thanks, Greg! 01:26:59 Zia Ahmed: So the demand for gasoline to fuel ICE cars is way higher the demand for jet fuel for all commercial and private planes??? 01:27:13 Stephen Rosenblum: The refineries should help pay for the transition. 01:27:32 Julia: Yes - gasoline and diesel fuels production at refineries is FAR higher than jet fuel production. 01:28:10 Jane Allen, Alliance for Collective Action: Can you link the report just mentioned, Woody? 01:28:20 Karin Urso (CNEHJ) (she/hers): A point to remember in the midst of a just transition is that local governments rely on the taxes from industry to provide safety net services. If these govt's loose the tax revenue, the loss of services also impacts our most vulnerable communities. California has been asked to support these local govt's and communities and we can advocate for our communities to assure that this actually happens. 01:29:21 Zia Ahmed: Shouldn't be there investment and plans to train Oil & gas workers to new green jobs to achieve a smooth transition from refineries? 01:29:51 Brittany Rivas (she/hers) CBE: pipe fitters can be a perfect place of mitigation for good job security especially with the need of water infrastructure in CA 01:29:59 Brittany Rivas (she/hers) CBE: as an example* 01:30:13 Vanessa Forsythe she/her: As Karen points out there needs to be replacement of funding to communities tax base 01:30:22 Greg Karras: I think that investing in refinery safety has always been a struggle, event when the industry was growing. And probably even more important now, when the industry is beginning to shrink. This should be a bottom line issue for worker and community safety. I’d like to see requirements for greedy refinery owners to invest in safety as they phase down. But I don’t think that the market alone will suddenly stop failing us on refinery safety. We will need more not less government protection here. 01:30:40 Vanessa Forsythe she/her: thanks Karin 01:31:01 Barry Vesser barry@theclimatecenter.org: Here is a link to the Pollin Report: 01:31:03 Barry Vesser barry@theclimatecenter.org: https://www.cft.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/pollin-report.pdf 01:31:54 Norman Rogers USW LOCAL 675: @ Greg K: 👍🏾 01:34:22 Greg Karras: Renewable diesel requires several times more hydrogen per gallon than petroleum diesel to refine. And as stated, that’s high carbon fossil gas hydrogen at the refineries. 01:34:51 ilonka (OGAN): I like to think of carbon sequestration as the new "clean coal" 01:35:27 Dave Shukla: even if it is electrolytic generated hydrogen, what is it for? total propaganda we can't, let alone shouldn't, electrify everything...wasting time leaves less options open to all workers 01:36:04 Julia: Great point - Tax issues are a major part of this picture. A link will be provided on the Richmond tax proposal that seeks to address this issue. 01:38:53 Beverly DesChaux: Dave Shuka, hydrogen has 1/3-1/4 the energy density of battery Electric. It is just a boondoggle to keep the fossil fuel industry in the game with this future promise. always future! and it is not necessary to go thru the expense, resources, time to scale up in time to make any difference! 01:41:10 Beverly DesChaux: Julia, you are not strident but your comments are necessary! you rock! thank you! 01:41:57 Greg Karras: Thanks Julia, Alicia, BK and Siva! Thanks Climate Center! 01:42:26 Beverly DesChaux: Brian White, we have battery electric vehicles to address the biggest portion of the products, gas and diesel! 01:43:24 Beverly DesChaux: and renewables for electricity 01:43:34 Nestor Castillo: Are we taking intro consideration ow much of the electrical grid should be locally controlled versus controlled by the state - versus companies /corporations ? 01:44:28 Suzanne Worcester: Thank you for an incredibly informative webinar! Very helpful 01:44:52 Beverly DesChaux: Siva, thanks for your honesty that the state does not really know all solutions -- yet! 01:45:03 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she | her): Thanks to all the speakers who patiently shared their expertise and insights with us today. It's much appreciated. 01:45:10 Dr mark zeller: Thank you for your valuable work and great presentations! 01:45:23 Norman Rogers USW LOCAL 675: Thank you all!! 01:45:27 Luis Martinez: ❤️ 01:45:30 Gopal Shanker, Récolte Energy, Napa: Thanks all! 01:45:37 Lauren Phillips (she/her/hers): Great presentation. Thank you all so much! 01:45:49 Jane Allen, Alliance for Collective Action: Thanks to Climate Center and to all the speakers! CA is paving the way for what is possible for other states and the world! 01:46:12 Luis Martinez: 👏 01:46:12 Ben Smith - Greenpeace USA: Thank you to all the presenters for your time and valuable insights. 01:46:22 The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/transportation/urge-state-officials-to-transition-to-equitable-affordable-and-clean-transportation-fuels/ 01:46:23 Sneha Ayyagari (she/her) | Greenlining Institute: Thanks everyone! 01:46:28 Beverly DesChaux: thanks Alicia for your passion and work! thanks all speakers 01:46:33 Natalia Ospina: Thank you! 01:46:36 Roland Pacheco: Thank you everyone 01:46:37 Barry Vesser barry@theclimatecenter.org: Thank you everyone! 01:46:39 Hernando Sanchez: Thank you 01:46:40 Dulce Altamirano: gracias 01:46:41 Cynthia (they/them): Thank you so much Alicia I appreciate your fight!!