Q&A for July 25, 2024 Webinar Vanessa Forsythe she/her 10:16 AM What about impact of the SCOTUS Chevron Act decision and attempts to reverse federal agencies regulation? Will we be able to fight these attempts to deregulation when corporations bring dereg to courts? Nik 10:32 AM How will jet fuel be handled? Nik 10:38 AM What industries do you recommend for these workers that have similar pay/benefits? Will the workers have to leave CA? Anonymous attendee 10:50 AM Is Diesel included in “gasoline” data? If so, how is “renewable”diesel counted? Susan Schacher 10:51 AM how can public transit be expanded? ilonka (OGAN) 10:52 AM How did CARB come up with 16M vehicles? Matt Krogh, Stand.earth 10:52 AM That’s a vast difference between 16M and 25M cars on the road, and noteworthy that EV uptake has accelerated beyond most projections since 2022. How soon will we see a new projection for IC cars on the road in 2035? Dave Shukla 11:00 AM Question for Comm. Gunda: The State has such a tremendous historical burden for enduring environmental injustuces, Would the CCEC be willing to expand access and funding to rooftop solar+battery storage+ev's in refinery/sb1377/ej communities? I.E. a much more equitable NEM4? Is the State of CA ready to admit it has not created sufficient local clean energy industries and just transitionef jobs to keep driving demand, as you say? Dave Shukla 11:01 AM apologies for typos, on my phone Jane Allen, Alliance for Collective Action 11:03 AM Vice Chair Gunda, could you share the collaboration with unions or the behind the scenes work that was required to get SBX12 passed? I am in Colorado and would love to see something similar here, but navigating those conversations with local unions is incredibly tricky Norman Rogers USW LOCAL 675 11:10 AM Thank you all for your comments and presentations. Quite often the statement is made "workers and the community" and quite ofter workers come from the community. We need the same help inside the fenceline that is being asked for outside the fenceline. This will be come even moreso as refining contracts: is there a plan for that? ilonka (OGAN) 11:13 AM Are there any actual limits or reduction requirements on pollution from refineries? Vanessa Forsythe she/her 11:17 AM what about how community revenues from taxes generated from fossil fuel industry can be replaced? Answered Nik 10:33 AM Is the intention to phase out refineries before demand goes away? If so, won’t the refinery problem just be pushed to other less regulated places and shipping increased to import fuels Julia 10:34 AM No. We want to plan the phaseout in line with lowering demand in California, over the next 2 decades. Thx for the question Vanessa Forsythe she/her 10:41 AM For Brian how do we assure workers access to certificates of their trainings / qualifications? Brian White 10:51 AM the USW is currently working to attempt to get accreditation for their workers now. The are talking with colleges and legislators to find a path recognize and document the knowlege and skill the workers possess