Q&A for June 20, 2024 Webinar Lori Pesante she/they 10:09 AM super curious to hear thoughts about who/how we are actively working to address egregious EV supply chain human rights violations (critical minerals mining, etc...) Jose Torre-Bueno 10:29 AM In the char Lawrence mentioned a software patch to allow exising EVs to become bidirectinal. Can we get more detail on that? Todd Collart 10:30 AM I have a Tesla Y and wonder what parts must be added to my car so it can charge a home battery system. The Tesla Cyber Truck has the capabilty built in. John Pfeiffer 10:32 AM Is my 2023 Tesla 3 capable of bi-directional charging? Chris Wall 10:44 AM Who is working on battery discharge cycle vs battery life? Chris Wall 10:47 AM Is it a good assumption that night charging is bad? We have wind…. Lawrence 10:49 AM Would you all discuss the possible role of Virtual Power Plants to speed the adoption of V2G? Wouldn’t repayment be higher to the vehicle owner and simpler for the utility than direct utility coordination? David Harris 10:51 AM Examples in these presentations are V2B & V2H, especially during emergencies. Are the utilities actually the "barriers" to V2G?????? Anonymous attendee 10:53 AM pls comment on political barriers. CA bill to require cars be bi-directional capable was killed by auto manufacturers. I imagine investor owned utitlities are also against V2H because they can't profit from distributed energy generation. david patterson 10:54 AM Rachel - How does the average customer get their utility to embrace V2G? Barry Rands 11:01 AM It seems like Nissan is the only light-duty EV manufacturer that is enthusiastically promoting V2G. Are there others? The Ford Lightning, for example, is not approved for V2G use (last I heard) David Harris 11:05 AM Which manufactures are working on inverters onboard EVs??? Chris Wall 11:06 AM Powerwall aggregates and pays the homeowner Tam Hunt (GPI) 11:10 AM We have in our advocacy work at Green Power Institute been highlighting potential “critical fleets” issues as ambulance, police, fire, etc. shift over to EVs. Ensuring function during grid outages will require on-site microgrids, but CA IOUs have made it very difficult to install such microgrids. Can panelists please comment on “critical fleets” concerns and possible solutions like microgrids? Answered via typed answer: Mario 10:08 AM is there an ETA when state oil subsidies will stop? Barry Vessar 10:15 AM There is no official ETA. It is pretty clear that it won’t be part og the budget agreement that the governor and legislature are negotiating currently and will probably be announced in the next week. The Climate Center wil keep advocating for the elimination of these subsidies and we believe there is an opportunity for progress to be made later this session. It will likely be a multi-year process. Breanna Sewell | ESA 10:12 AM How is Charge Energy Management defined? Kurt Johnson 10:15 AM Basically it means NOT charging during peak evening hours Zach Woogen 10:30 AM VGIC defines managed charging broadly - shifting/modulating the time/location of EV charging to yield some benefit for the customer and/or electric grid. As Kurt notes, it typically means not charging during peak evening hours. It can also mean charging when there is excess renewable energy generation (e.g., solar) - as opposed to charging overnight when the grid relies on more fossil-fueled electricity. Anonymous attendee 10:13 AM are any bidirectional charging equipment available now or soon in US? Kurt Johnson 10:14 AM Yes there are multiple manufacturers which currently have bidirectional equipment, including Nuvve and Fermata who are speaking here today Zach Woogen 10:32 AM Other manufacturers of bidirectional charging equipment include BorgWarner, Ford, GM Energy, and dcbel. Bob Cipolla 10:14 AM What are current V2H obstacles and who can help us navigate & overcome the existing resistance? Kurt Johnson 10:17 AM Hopefully by the end of the webinar you’ll know more, stay tuned, thanks JimSmith 10:34 AM Melissa mentioned a 30% tax break. Can she talk more about the details of this tax break? Melissa Chan 10:46 AM https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/alternative-fuel-vehicle-refueling-property-credit V2G chargers qualify for this credit david patterson 10:49 AM 767kWh/125kW = ~6 hours of bidirectional operation. Is my math correct? Why not more usage? Rachel Zook 10:57 AM Your math is correct! If you’re thinking about the Cajon Valley USD example I used, the chargers at this site are much lower-powered than 125kW. They were installed several years ago, before we had a 125kW option. IndivisibleSouthBay LA 10:49 AM I like the school bus model but I have some question about how it works with regard to timing…school buses are active something like 7-9 AM and 2-4 PM. If discharged by 4 PM there wouldn’t be much time to charge up before you’d want the power to the grid in evening hours. Likewise, if using solar power to charge, there isn’t much time to charge up before 7 AM. Robert Stafford - WRI (he/him) 10:55 AM You're spot on with the timing. There's a very different outlook for school bus use on a given school day versus over the summer or weekend. On school days they're acting as a sink for solar energy, and depending on conditions you can get both morning and evening routes off of a daytime charge. Over the summer it's likely beneficial for the battery to be discharged, and can help absorb solar and deploy it durring peak demand Rachel Zook 11:20 AM Adding onto Robert’s answer—during the school year, it really depends on when an event is called. A bus returning from its route at 4pm might not have enough charge to respond to an event that starts at 4pm. If an event starts at 7pm, however, the bus will have had time to charge for a couple of hours and then discharge when the event begins. Rebecca Milliken | City of Berkeley 11:11 AM On this topic of V2H... I'm hearing Zach say that auto manufacturers are interested and we will see more OEMs and models in the future. Can you provide a rough estimate of when these EVs will hit the market? I do residential EV outreach and get this question all the time. Barry Vessar 11:19 AM Tesla has announced that all models in 2025 will be bidirectionally enabled, and GM has also announced that they will do the same for all models by 2026. Other vehicle manufactures will offer this feature for specific models. For example, Kia’s EV 6 has a vehicle to load feature now.