00:34:59 The Climate Center: Call to action: https://theclimatecenter.org/fossil-fuels/governor-newsom-eliminate-fossil-fuel-subsidies-and-prioritize-climate-investments/ 00:37:27 The Climate Center: Geof's bio: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/geof-syphers/ 00:37:45 The Climate Center: Powered by Community Choice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoBSjlYxwck 00:48:40 Dave S.: Hear hear 00:49:52 The Climate Center: Joanne's bio: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/joanne-oneill/ 00:51:10 Sona Coffee: Thank you for all your work Geof! Sonoma's startup is one of the things that activated a group of supporters in LA ☺️ 00:52:03 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza she | her The Climate Center: Please feel free to drop any questions into the chat or Q&A located at the bottom of your screen 01:05:53 Lokelani Devone: In your collaboration with local government agencies, are there efforts to enact building code regulations that require developers to incorporate clean energy systems in new construction? 01:06:45 The Climate Center: Ana Rosa's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/ana-rosa-rizo-centino/ 01:10:02 Joe Galliani: Question for Joanne: What is the status of Torrance, Inglewood and Long Beach regarding joining the CPA? 01:11:06 Stephen Maack: What are the criteria for making sure clean projets are just and equitable? 01:12:57 Stephen Maack: Why do we need o get to 133 gigawatts and by when? 01:14:09 Joanne O'Neill: Hi Joe - we welcome discussions with any community in LA and Ventura counties about joining CPA. However, there is no formal exploration occurring with additional communities at this point. 01:16:19 Kurt zoom@theclimatecenter.org: The CA Air Resources Board has a scoping plan which sets forth actions needed to achieve CA’s GHG reduction goals: that document outlines the massive amounts of new clean energy that needs to get built 01:16:20 Daniel Adomian (IBank): Not a question but some information that I hope will be helpful: California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) is interested in providing financial support for 3 priority sectors: distributed generation & storage; zero-emissions transportation; and net-zero buildings. At present we are developing financial products to support these sectors. These products are: Loan Guarantee, Loan Participation, and Incentives Bridge Loan. If any CCAs, developers, or lenders are interested, feel free to email me at Daniel.adomian@ibank.ca.gov. 01:16:29 Gary Simon: Wondering what your source is for the need for 133 GW and the 175 GW need you also mentioned? 01:17:21 Jim Lutz: Is there a way to collect best practices and programs across statedwide CCAs to push our local CCAs to do better? 01:17:25 Ana Rosa Rizo Centino: California needs to build 175 gigawatts of clean energy to meet our SB 100 goal by 2050 01:18:14 Ana Rosa Rizo Centino: (Responding to Gary and Stephen’s question) 01:18:32 Jim Lutz: Could someone speak about PG&Es ongoing attempt to sell the GHG free attributes of Diablo Canyon? 01:18:58 Gary Simon: According to...? CEC? CPUC? Lots of ways to meet SB100 goals. Just wondering what is assumed in the figure used. 01:20:08 Stephen Maack: @Kurt, So are you saying that the 133 gigawatts that Ana Arsa Rizo Centino mentioned is a California Air Resources Board scoping plan goal to meet Califorinia GHG reduction boals? 01:20:27 Beverly DesChaux: Kurt.zoom CARB also responded to my claim that CCS costs more than it's worth and just allows the fossil industry to BAU that that was a myth and I should fact check 01:22:13 Jim Lutz: What's the best way to keep the larger CCAs focused on communities? For the larger CCAs, their programs may not be a good fit for all of the communities within their territories. 01:23:36 Kurt zoom@theclimatecenter.org: Here’s a link to CARB, see https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/ab-32-climate-change-scoping-plan 01:23:43 Stephen Maack: Thanks, Ana Rosas 01:24:13 Ana Rosa Rizo Centino: You’re very welcome 🙂 01:28:16 Beverly DesChaux: EV Charging for All Coalition has advocated for building code adoption of EV Ready in new construction 01:29:33 Wes Chuang: The wealthiest uses the most resources so having them go first is actually not bad? 01:30:47 Beverly DesChaux: Portable heat pump space conditioning is being provided to low income housing in NYC. I have recommended big subsidies for these for renters by 3CE 01:31:20 Stephen Maack: I lived 36 years in California, love what the state and non-profits there have done in regards to GHG emission reduction and climate change. But now I live in Massachusetts. As was pointed out, California is no longer necessasrily at the lead in its GHG reduction goals. Also, wildfire GHGs re not included in CARB's GHG goals amd wo;dfores have omcreased om CA. What are CA CCAs and non-profits doing to communicate with other stases, counies and localities about communicating it successes and issus? 01:32:34 Stephen Maack: apologies for typos... 01:33:46 Terry Phenicie: Agreed! 01:35:08 Beverly DesChaux: My gas bill goes up about 4x in cold months and my apartment is mostly super efficient which is why this would be great to address equity in adopting heat pumps. 01:35:44 Wes Chuang: @Beverly I second the portable appliances 01:37:36 Beverly DesChaux: in addition portables do not require any landlord approval because the building does not need to be disturbed and it can be taken if moving 01:38:26 Ginny Madsen Ms: Back in 2016 when the East Bay CCA was becoming a reality, I told my City council that the CCA was the closest I was ever going to get to a green new deal. It still is and I am grateful to be able to get 100% renewable electricity for the past 8 years. Thank you for fighting this good fight. As an elderly renter in an uninsulated 1980's duplex, I have done everything I could to go electric even if it means doing without heat from my landlord's gas infrastructure. Behavioral changes have worked for me and I am not alone. 01:38:52 Stephen Maack: How might use of AI in grid control and automatic signals/dispatch work? Would that be a good or bad idea? 01:40:11 Terry Phenicie: Can you provide a link for the every other wed meeting ? 01:41:01 Beverly DesChaux: it has been a good excuse to avoid doing laundry when it is close to 4:00 to avoid peak demand time 😊 I do it and encourage our extended EV community to charge midday 01:41:38 Ana Rosa Rizo Centino: You are so welcome, Monica 🙂 01:41:57 Stephen Maack: @Beverly, good job!! 01:41:57 Beverly DesChaux: love the option to encourage the behavioral option along w automatic 01:46:00 Ana Rosa Rizo Centino: We can hear you, Woody. It’s just choppy. 01:47:54 Stephen Maack: @Geof, Waterpower? 01:48:36 Dave S.: Great answer Geof, thank you 01:48:52 Lokelani Devone: Great discussion! Thank you, Everyone! 01:48:56 Kurt zoom@theclimatecenter.org: The CA Energy Commission estimates that CA will have 15 million EVs by 2035, which a combined battery storage capacity that will dwarf all utility storage: that’s the massive untapped opportunity to build a better grid. 01:49:42 Stephen Maack: @Kurt -- good thought!! 01:49:57 The Climate Center: Endorse CSC here! https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/endorse/ 01:50:14 The Climate Center: Call to action https://theclimatecenter.org/fossil-fuels/governor-newsom-eliminate-fossil-fuel-subsidies-and-prioritize-climate-investments/ 01:50:21 Lokelani Devone: Bi-directional charging capacity now! 01:50:27 Beverly DesChaux: I put V2X in q&a 01:50:37 Stephen Maack: Agreed, Lokelani!!