00:24:06 Felicia Federico, TEC: Good morning from Los Angeles! 00:24:23 Institute for Local Government: Good morning from Sacramento! 00:24:24 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: Good morning, from Bear River Band in Loleta! 00:25:51 Kurt zoom@theclimatecenter.org: More info about the Policy Summit at https://theclimatecenter.org/events/california-climate-policy-summit-2024/ 00:25:59 Kenneth Wells: Good Morning from Compton, CA 00:27:48 Rob England - The Climate Center: Pamerla's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/pamela-martinez/ 00:29:36 Rula Eskaf: I'd love it if we didn't lose our power every time theres a storm... 00:29:43 Rob England - The Climate Center: Endorse the Climate Safe California campaign https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/endorse/ 00:30:21 Rob England - The Climate Center: Alex's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/alex-turek/ 00:32:29 Rula Eskaf: Breathing easy isn't possible in los angeles. 00:32:32 Ashley Clark: will the slides be shared? 00:32:57 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she|her): Yes, the slides will be shared with all registrants when we post the webinar on our website 00:34:29 Kenneth Wells: 👏🏽👏🏽 00:37:13 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: Complete electrification is not clean because of the required mining component that is being pushed in the California mountains where our aquifers are being drained at an astromical rate. And, the mining heavy equipment requires the use of fossil fuels. Our conifers are deep rooted. Draining the aquifers ensures that our trees cannot reach their water resources resulting in exacerbating the massive wildfires that California has been experiencing and will continue to experience. Excellent ways to reduce fossil fuels are to look at decentralizing foods to avoid the trucking across the states. Decentralization will encourage decrease use of having to drive long distances for their goods. An excellent non-fossil fuel car is the compressed air car for the millions of commuters that live in California. How can we bring the compressed air car to California? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztFDqcu8oJ4 00:37:48 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrZ_Bz-MInY 00:39:00 Loretta Lynch: what are the adders in your funding sources slide? 00:41:48 Sheryl Rosenbaum: Is the Microgrid Incentive Program available in municipal utility territories or just investor owned? 00:41:53 Stephen Maack: For those of us not in CA, please specifcy which of these are California only funding sources.... 00:42:08 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtLfHxGE-3o 00:42:30 Rob England - The Climate Center: Lori's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/lori-pesante/ 00:44:39 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: The vertical axis turbine technology is improving in leaps and bounds. How can vertical axis turbines be incorporated into the funding programs? 00:45:27 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoqhENLfQbA 00:46:24 Rula Eskaf: As a Californian, we all know that Kern wasn't great, but I didn't know it was THAT bad 00:47:05 Cathie Buchanan, Bear River Band, Loleta, CA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQKHJm7vd4E 00:48:00 Rula Eskaf: Can someone spell out that organization's name? 00:48:41 Kirstin Kolpitcke, Pioneer: National Renewable Energy Laboratory? NREL 00:49:11 Rula Eskaf: Thank you Kirstin 00:50:40 Wes Chuang: Kern County is banking on (should I say diversifying) mega warehousing am I right? 00:50:55 Stephen Maack: Most states con't have CalEnvrio screen. Is there an equivalent national tool? As someone who does GIS I could help create a similar tool in confjunction with others. Needs decision on what factors to include in the mapping and how to define "disadvantaged." Publily available dasta best. Contact sack@earthlink.net and mention this webinar if interested in developing something like that outside of CA 00:51:55 Felicia Federico, TEC: @Stephen - at the federal level, the tools are the EPA’s EJ Screen and/or the Justice40 CEJST tool 00:52:42 Wes Chuang: If Kern County is turning into warehouse world at least put solar and efficient vertical farming with natural light 00:53:04 Stephen Maack: @Felicia, Thanks. 00:53:12 Alice Sung: Thanks Lori-- can you put your email in the chat ? 00:53:15 Lori Pesante she|her: ❤️ 00:54:23 Lori Pesante she|her: loripesante@gmail.com I can send you (and Pamela can always ping me too :) anything we used, especially as these different pieces of our LEAP work gets published! :) SO EXCITING!!! 00:54:50 Kurt zoom@theclimatecenter.org: The CPUC Microgrid Incentive Program is just for projects in the service territories of investor owned utilities 00:55:19 Laura Baetscher (she/her): @ Steven Maack The climate vulnerability index also aims to provide similar data to Cal EnviroScreen, nationally. https://map.climatevulnerabilityindex.org/map/cvi_overall/usa?mapBoundaries=Tract&mapFilter=0&reportBoundaries=Tract&geoContext=State 00:56:41 Rula Eskaf: Do we know how many awards they intend on giving? 00:56:50 gayle.tomasson_ElectriqPower: Great resources being shared in chat - thank you to all. 00:58:54 Lori Pesante she|her: @wes: Kern is also banking on CCS/ carbon management, however the first EIR that is open for public comment now shows the project will only produce 5 permanent jobs and will cause "substantial air pollution" Kern is always banking on CCS: https://www.kvpr.org/local-news/2024-02-21/californias-oil-country-hopes-carbon-management-will-provide-jobs-it-may-be-disappointed 00:59:58 Jan Maes: Are there also minimum grant amounts for these 3 Equity and Access Grant program segments? 01:00:30 Rula Eskaf: @jan https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/about-cpuc/divisions/news-and-public-information-office/business-and-community-outreach/equity-and-access-grant-program#:~:text=The%20Clean%20Energy%20Access%20(CEA,Clean%20Heating%20Initiative%20(TECH). 01:00:53 Wes Chuang: @lori thanks for the link 01:00:54 Jan Maes: How do people find out about public participation opportunities (before even considering to be reimbursed for those up to $15k)? 01:02:55 Lori Pesante she|her: Legit, @Pamela... NOFOs (Notice of Funding Opportunity FEDERAL) are NO JOKE! :) 01:03:40 Rob England - The Climate Center: Loren's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/loren-halili/ 01:03:45 Rula Eskaf: The way I reread the NOFOs 10+ times just to make sure I have every time I apply 01:04:36 Stephen Maack: @Laura, Thanks. Cal EnvrioSren goes down to a smaller gographic aarea than state (I think census tract). Does the Climage Vulnerability Index map allow for a smaller than state scale climate vulnerability? Stephen 01:06:06 Lori Pesante she|her: the NOFO for EPA Community Change Grant is 90 pages long, but the Webinars EPA has been posting online and the technical assistance is unprecedented. If ever there was a time to learn how to apply for federal funding, now is it! https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/community-change-grants-technical-assistance 01:07:00 Athena Tan: @Stephen M. - the EPA's EJ Screen has that level of detail. https://ejscreen.epa.gov/mapper/ 01:09:20 Stephen Maack: The Fifth Nastional Climatae Assessment https://nca2023.globalchange.gov/ and the Fourth National Climate assessment have regional and state level climate risks, including summaries maps, and are based on latest scientific evidence., 01:11:29 Laura Baetscher (she/her): @Stephen the CVI goes at least to the town level and to the neighborhood level in many cities 01:13:45 Stephen Maack: @Ahtena, thanks. I'll explore. An issue at community leel is often get climate change dasta and specifc risks understood and with data support at a community level. This data has improved greatly over last five years. Disadvantaged commuitties are often better defined and data available on them from multiple sources with multiple definitions. 01:14:12 Stephen Maack: apologies for my typos.... 01:14:15 Beverly DesChaux: wow! awesome amount of info 01:14:19 Rob England - The Climate Center: Inquiry for help advancing resilient clean energy projects in my community https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wOtpeo1xfgqIOHoinrTARtLBxHfFLb7iR96I4WypcKw/edit 01:14:51 Loren Halili: There will be a CCEEJ one-pager in both English and Spanish along with my slides that the Climate Center will post! 01:15:20 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she|her): Inquiry for help advancing resilient clean energy projects in my community https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wOtpeo1xfgqIOHoinrTARtLBxHfFLb7iR96I4WypcKw/edit 01:16:59 CEL Brooke B: Community Energy Labs can support on decarbonization and reduction in energy use www.communityenergylabs.com. We have some partners in California and are accepting pilot applications now. Love to work with anyone on this call to apply collaboratively 01:19:28 Stephen Maack: Having attended CA and national climate change related conferences sine 2015 it was not until 2019 National Adaptation Forum that I finally heard a government climate bureasucrat state publicly that climate change is a PEOPLE problem, not just a scientific matter. So local knowledge, understanding, understanding cultures, local politics and societies, etc. is important. Bring in scientific experts for the specific scientific information. EcoAmerica.org proides support and info relevant to ommuitieis, health, and faith communities i talking aout and addressing climate change. 01:20:35 Stephen Maack: So even if you don't have the technical knowledge or scientific understasnding, your input is needed. Love Lori Pesante 01:20:49 Stephen Maack: sLori Pesante's approach. 01:22:21 Stephen Maack: Regions in the U.S. 01:22:28 Stephen Maack: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_of_the_United_States 01:23:49 Stephen Maack: EcoAmerica is good at providing information, thoughts on rusted organizations and people in communities. 01:25:40 Rula Eskaf: Sheik/Impact is a great grant writing org. They staff grant writers that can be contracted to write grants for specific projects for your org. 01:27:37 Liv Lovejoy (STC): have to hop off for another meeting. thank you! 01:28:48 Felicia Federico, TEC: Have to hop off - thank you! 01:29:26 Stacey Meinzen: We will also be posting the chat for you all - it will be included in the resources sent out in the follow-up email. 01:32:15 Loren Halili: Regarding disadvantaged business question, it would be those who are certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 01:32:38 Loren Halili: Sorry this took so long to find, wanted to confirm with my colleague! 01:33:00 Stephen Maack: Geat information and presentation, especially for Californians. Good luck to all. Have to sign off. 01:33:14 Loren Halili: Here is a definition from Dept of Transportation 01:33:14 Loren Halili: https://www.transportation.gov/civil-rights/disadvantaged-business-enterprise/definition-disadvantaged-business-enterprise 01:33:53 Loretta Lynch: Prevailing wage rates are set by DIR -- the Department of Industrial Relations -- in a very set process that takes into account the wages county by county. They publish rates by county that must be followed. 01:35:45 Lori Pesante she|her: @loretta: Is that CA DIR? for State funding opportunities? or for Federal too? 01:37:01 Loretta Lynch: Yes the California DIR. It isn't a funding issue it involves what wage rates must be paid on public works projects -- or to receive government incentives -- like the ones being discussed today. 01:39:14 Lori Pesante she|her: SIGN UP for EPA Webinar: https://communitychangeta.org/upcoming-webinars 01:39:19 Lane Sharman: It is important re Energy Communities to know how they can be classified: there are three classifications: 1 and 2 are based on coal plants and mines; and, the third is based on employment and can vary from year to year based on employment levels. 01:42:31 Kenneth Wells: Still here 01:43:13 Alex Turek - GRID Alternatives: For profits can definitely take advantage of the rebates I mentioned including the SGIP, SOMAH and ITC. 01:43:26 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she|her): Thanks Alex 01:44:03 Walter Siembab: There is electricity and the applications that require electricity, like A/C and refrigeration of prescriptions. Does anyone have experience combining micro grids with other areas of need in DACs specifically addressing zero emission mobility and digital equity? 01:44:07 Mary Nambo (MCCJ): Great Information! Thank You! 01:46:13 Beverly DesChaux: resilience Ctr/microgrid great idea is at schools w solar and school buses for their large batteries w bi directional for battery back up -- community will know if it's a school 01:46:31 Rob England - The Climate Center: Inquiry for help advancing resilient clean energy projects in my community https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wOtpeo1xfgqIOHoinrTARtLBxHfFLb7iR96I4WypcKw/edit Endorse Climate Safe California campaign https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/endorse/ Register for the Policy Summit https://theclimatecenter.org/events/california-climate-policy-summit-2024/ Join us for Lobby Day https://theclimatecenter.org/events/california-climate-lobby-day-2024/ Visit our Bill Tracker https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/bill-tracker/ 01:46:56 Robert Perry - Synergistic Solutions: Great conversation! Lots of useful information. Thanks! 01:47:34 Kevin Daehnke: Excellent program, folks. I really appreciate the updates and the great discussion. 01:49:28 Lori Pesante she|her: Ty, Climate Center! 🌏😎 01:49:33 Tracy Beard: thank-you All 01:49:37 Alex Turek - GRID Alternatives: Thank you everyone! Please reach out with any further questions (aturek@gridalternatives.org) 01:49:52 Loren Halili: Thank you all! lhalili@sdsu.edu