00:40:21 Laura Kindsvater: Yes! 00:44:54 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/endorse/ 00:45:52 Rob England - The Climate Center: Emily's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/emilie-winfield-2/ 00:45:57 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) The Climate Center: Please feel free to drop your questions into the Q&A tab below 00:46:08 Rob England - The Climate Center: Emilee's bio: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/emilie-winfield-2/ 00:46:44 Rob England - The Climate Center: The Climate Center 00:46:58 Rob England - The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/ 00:50:58 Meghan Brookler: HI all! Would love to connect: https://quintessential.earth/; https://www.linkedin.com/in/meghan-brookler/ 00:53:13 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) The Climate Center: Please feel free to drop your questions into the Q&A tab below, thank you! 01:00:09 John A Duvall: Emilee. That was great! 01:00:16 Rob England - The Climate Center: Ellee's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/ellee-igoe-2/ 01:01:43 Paul Towers: Yay for centering farmers, Ellee! 01:07:42 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) The Climate Center: Please feel free to drop your questions into the Q&A tab below, thank you! 01:09:43 Scott Salyer: Could you provide a direct link to the Climate Center report? 01:10:01 Deborah Sorrill: Very impressive program for Climate adaption as well as equity an justicer! thank you. 01:10:17 Sara Medina: Could you share the pilot carbon farming program report 01:11:01 Rob England - The Climate Center: Jonathan's bio: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/jonathan-wachter/ 01:15:56 Baani Behniwal: @Scott Salyer, you can find the report here: https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/research/setting-an-ambitious-sequestration-goal-for-californias-working-lands 01:17:22 Baani Behniwal: @Sara Medina, we will include that, and other webinar materials, in a follow-up email 01:17:42 Scott Salyer: Thanks Baani! 01:23:25 Rob England - The Climate Center: Carlos' bio: https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/carlos-suarez/ 01:30:07 Baani Behniwal: CARCD: California Association of Resource Conservation Districts 01:40:59 Margaret: Posting Rex's comment in Q&A into chat so that it can be captured for all: Rex Dufour 10:49 AM Also, I would mention that NCAT has a grant from CDFA for Conservation Planning related to Soil Health, focused on Latino growers, as our staff has Spanish language capability. If you have any Latino (or Hmong or Mien) growers interested in soil health conservation plans (which are basically carbon farm plans), please contact me: rexd@ncat.org 01:46:33 Anna Larson, she/her | CalCAN: Thanks for the shoutout Ellee! You can find CalCAN’s farmer climate leader stories here: https://calclimateag.org/farmer-stories/ 01:47:02 Jonathan Wachter - Carbon Cycle Institute: The result of being almost entirely funded by grants means that it can be challenging to build long-term programs, to retain staff, etc. Like Carlos was describing, in some other states conservation districts have dedicated baseline state support. This is a real opportunity for CA. 01:48:15 Jennifer Bice: Thank you very much for this great presentation! I have to run, but look forward to resources you will email. 01:53:26 Meghan Brookler: Thank you!! 01:53:36 Elizabeth G: Thank you! 01:53:46 Emma Wood (she/her): Thank you! 01:53:57 Meghan Brookler: Would love to share: https://usbiocharcoalition.org/ 01:54:36 Rob England - The Climate Center: Call to action: https://theclimatecenter.org/carbon-sequestration/urge-your-elected-officials-to-fund-climate-friendly-farms-and-ranches/ 01:56:49 Tom Conlon (he/they): Hi, please forgive the stridency and specificity of my questions. I worked on the original organic standards when I was in college, and had a role in setting up the Measurement and Verification Protocols in the building energy efficiency incentive and codes programs (CPUC, CEC). I see the lack of natural C sequestration verification protocols as a major factor limiting the growth of funding of this critical sector. I'm eager to help! Thank you for such an informative presentation! 01:56:59 Andy Shrader: Awesome event, thanks TCC! 01:57:27 Rob England - The Climate Center: Upcoming Events: https://theclimatecenter.org/events/ 01:57:30 Meghan Brookler: WOuld love to speak to each of you! 01:57:36 Gillies Robertson: Thanks all!