00:34:21 John A Duvall: I have to admit that I’m a hydrogen skeptic, but I am open to hearing from both sides. 00:37:47 Bob Hebbler: I'm curious as whether long-haul trucking could be powered by batteries or will hydrogen power by fuel cells be necessary. 00:37:52 Ilonka Zlatar: We are gathering in Sacramento to demand Biden and Newsom stop fossil fuel permits and declare a climate emergency on Sept 17 in line with the UN climate summit in NY. Info at bit.ly/NoMoreFF 00:40:03 Maritza Alvarez: Can someone please define the use of hydrogen and its development because there are some extractive processes that can negatively impact the lands 00:40:18 ECA Chapter Leaders: Join us on a Fridays for Future Stop Fossil Fuels event at Los Angeles City Hall on Sept 15, 12-2 pm. Contact richardb@eldersclimateaction.org. 00:40:43 Rob England - The Climate Center: Please endorse our Climate Safe California campaign https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/endorse/ 00:41:14 Rob England - The Climate Center: Hydrogen Policy Brief - https://theclimatecenter.org/clean-energy/hydrogen-policy-brief/ 00:41:20 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: hydrogen IS the fossil fuel industry masquerading as climate solution. there is NO scaled up green H2 and any cost to do so could go directly to electricity production for electrifying everything 00:41:43 Maritza Alvarez: Can someone please define the use of hydrogen and its development because there are some extractive processes that can negatively impact Indigenous territories 00:41:43 Rob England - The Climate Center: Janice Lin https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/janice-lin/ 00:44:12 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Our EVs are Mobile Energy Storage Units with V2X capability. 00:45:02 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: we have large storage already serving the function of our transportation so no need to spend the extra energy. 00:45:46 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Really large scale would drain our lakes according to an official from LADPW who did the math. 00:46:11 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: the infrastructure is cost prohibitive and we already have electricity infranstructure 00:46:36 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: That is NOT correct. Hydrogen can be produced from 'other waters' without using potable water surface waters or reservoirs. 00:47:31 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: DoE Earthshot = https://www.energy.gov/energy-earthshots-initiative 00:47:49 Maritza Alvarez: What “other waters” are you referring to. Because extracting any “other waters” will continue to negatively impact indigenous lands and ecosystems 00:48:28 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: H2 is highly corrosive and explosive so transport over our roads or rails is dangerous 00:48:31 Dolores Huerta Foundation - Civic Engagement Department: ARTICLE: Hydrogen Bus Explodes in Bakersfield: https://www.bakersfield.com/news/explosions-fire-at-hydrogen-fueling-station-destroy-1-1-million-get-bus/article_fbd75378-25dc-11ee-a7d4-0b118c015e11.html 00:48:32 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: PAX Scientific is a HeroX Hydrogen Shot awardee that is developing low heat waste heat that comes from the electrolyzer itself to 'desal' saline waters or ag waters. 00:48:43 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: Reverse Osmosis can be used. 00:48:48 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: it costs $16/gal! 00:48:51 Hope Fasching, GHC: Hybuild LA Phase 2 Report that Janice Lin referenced: https://www.ghcoalition.org/ghc-news/hybuild-la-phase-2-report 00:49:10 Nick Ratto: synthesizing green hydrogen requires the electrolysis process. My understanding is that this electrolysis solution is cost prohibitive at large scale. Clean hydrogen for big rigs is a good option where ZEV batteries are too heavy 00:50:19 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: some engineers say it has 1/2 the energy density of gasoline so like driving the vehicle 2-4x for the amount of energy required 00:50:52 Jacqueline G. Jones: Is the presentation available? 00:50:53 Maritza Alvarez: Reverse osmosis will also negatively impact the balanced amount of saline required in our coastal waters for ocean and marine life to be healthy. Way too often, extractive solutions are short term solutions void of foresight and long-term impact 00:50:53 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: Electrolyzers have 'chillers' already. PAX's H2(O) thermal distillation technology replaces this chiller and 'desal' or 'purifies' other waters. It can contribute $.11/kg of H2 production cost. 00:51:31 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: PAX H2(O) is not RO. 00:51:42 Marshall Dinowitz: What is CO2 and methane production production in Hydrogen production? 00:51:55 Councilman Jose Trinidad Castaneda: Good afternoon, everyone. I'd like to share that prior to truly becoming educated on the opporutnities with Green Hydrogen, I changed from being a staunch opponent to all hydrogen adoption, to a staunch ADVOCATE. There are far too many public health, job/quality of life, and long-term infrastructure benefits that come with the adoption of Green Hydrogen in our local cities, and development of end-uses across Long-Haul Aviation/Rail/Maritime Shipping, Heavy Duty FCEV Trucks, etc. Let's be part of the solution. Not all industries can be electrified, but all industries MUST be Decarbonized. Thank you. Councilman Jose Trinidad Castaneda. 00:52:06 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: $.11/kg cost saving. 00:53:04 Ilonka Zlatar: How do you prioritize this list of potential uses? 00:53:52 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: anything that goes to production of H2 can go to production of electricity to directly power a battery instead of energy for producing hydrogen & fuel cell, transporting, etc. only to then have to convert back to electricity for powering the battery in the passenger vehicles. we have large enough batteries now to last a long time and DCFC to recharge in time it takes for a bio break.. new batteries will be able to electrify the industrial sector &, aviation 00:54:11 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: https://youtu.be/Yj2ICLjG2LE 00:55:04 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Tesla semi goes 500 miles on a charge carrying a 82,000 load. there is a video demo'ing this 00:55:35 Nick Ratto: There is an Australian company (Lavo) that has a hydrogen metal hydride (solid) storage solution. The H2 gas is converted to a solid metal hydride, then can be stored at fueling stations and converted quickly back to gaseous H2 for fuel cell vehicles. 00:55:56 Len Beyea: A better solution to hydrogen fuel for long range shipping is to shift 80%+ of freight >250 miles to rail, and to electrify as much of that rail line as practical. Similarly, while hydrogen in metallurgy is an appropriate application, equally important in that sector is to reduce demand for metals. Making more walkable neighborhoods and providing mobility options so that every household doesn't need 1.8 private automobiles is one part of reducing demand for metals (not to mention reducing materials and costs for parking space to store vehicles during the 90% of their lifetimes they are not being driven). 00:56:04 Maritza Alvarez: Way too often the term “Green” has been usurped and misused by the fossil fuel industry. It is still about the bottom line and extractive process to meet their “greening” goals. 00:56:42 Marshall Dinowitz: Why is it called “Green” hydrogen? Is productin 00:56:51 Marshall Dinowitz: green? 00:57:03 Vivian Deutsch: See the book, “No Miracles Needed: How Today's Technology Can Save Our Climate and Clean Our Air” by Stanford U professor Mark Jacobson – He shows how hydrogen is viable for some sectors, similar to what is being presented here. 00:57:46 Maritza Alvarez: Continued abuse of California Indigenous land and waters is what this “Green Hydrogen movement” for a “just” transition (for who?) is really about. 00:57:49 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) - The Climate Center: Yes, at minimum we will be posting the webinar recording on our website 00:57:54 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: 95% of H2 is produced from natural gas which is 75% methane w 120-80x heating capacity of CO2. We do not need to spend all of this cost prohibitive $$ for new infrastructure when it could go directly to electricity production of DERs 00:58:31 Rob England - The Climate Center: Sasan Saadat bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/sasan-saadat/ 00:58:47 Maritza Alvarez: Indigenous nations throughout California are the true land stewards of these territories. It is about a balance, not about extractive ventures to sustain and extractive economy. 01:00:24 Beverly DesChaux: all of these color H2 just keeps it in the conversation and keeps it confusing for most including those responsible for decision making 01:00:53 Maritza Alvarez: Working under the leadership of business is not the same as working under the leadership of local Indigenous nations. 01:03:14 Bianca Lopez-VIP: yuck! 01:03:17 Maggie Field, Clean Air Task Force: CATF recently hosted a webinar “Tribal Communities & Hydrogen Hubs”, featuring mainly tribal speakers discussing how tribes can benefit in the clean hydrogen economy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO8YBw0lydU 01:03:19 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: yes, prolonging the fossil fuel infrastructure is the plan, essentially keeping them in the game, such as using same pipes to ship it even tho H2 is too small & would leak 01:04:39 Councilman Jose Trinidad Castaneda: Maritza, I am the first Latino, Mescalero Apache, and LGBTQ Councilmember in Orange County. I am in communication with Navajo Nation and rez utility leaders. I am not sure folks understand the challenges of electrifying tribal communities considering all the climate and seasonal changes out there on the Rez. Folks want solar, but they want an energy supply that can weather 01:06:05 Maritza Alvarez: Continued erasure of local Indigenous traditional science to help bring land and water back to balance will only continue to negatively impact all life and this planet. It all sounds pretty, but the bottom line is that it is not. 01:06:06 Ilonka Zlatar: wouldn't you want to be able to use the surplus of solar energy that we are currently having to export? There are times every day when we are producing MUCH more renewable energy than we can use. 01:06:34 Councilman Jose Trinidad Castaneda: the increasing extremes of seasonal storms, winds, and heat. Electric Transmission is subject to a lot of risks because of climate. So why would Tribal Communities not want locally-sited Hydrogen for their trucks - just to pick up barrels of clean drinking water 01:06:43 Climate Reality Bay Area: Climate Reality founder Al Gore advocates for green hydrogen generated only using SURPLUS renewable energy. 01:06:54 Wes Chuang: There are many ways to store energy, hydrogen is just one and the question is what use case is the best and highest use. 01:08:48 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Very good point, @Sasan! 01:09:33 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) - The Climate Center: Please feel free to drop your questions in the Q&A tab, or here in the chat! 01:10:04 Carol Weed, Walnut Creek: Long Haul Heavy Duty Trucking is being powered directly with clean electricity in CA — no need for hydrogen. Climate One shared a great podcast this month: https://www.climateone.org/audio/road-zero-emissions-trucking. 01:10:14 Stephen Maack: The chat is interesting. How can I save it or make it available to supplement the discussion here? 01:10:38 Marilyn Cachola Lucey: ^ +1 01:10:43 Michelle Sevilla: ^I second that Stephen, would love to get a copy of the chat and all these links 01:10:46 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) - The Climate Center: The Climate Center will save the chat and circulate to attendees after the webinar. 01:10:59 John A Duvall: Yay! 01:10:59 Idania Zamora, BAAQMD (she/her): Will the speaker slides be available? 01:11:19 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) - The Climate Center: Yes, we will circulate copies of the speaker presentations as well. 01:11:31 John A Duvall: Yay! 01:11:32 Stephen Maack: Thank you, Climate Center. 01:11:48 Idania Zamora, BAAQMD (she/her): Thank you so much! 01:11:51 Wes Chuang: The hydrogen debate is good, we can't get this energy transition wrong, this is our last chance. 01:11:55 Carol Weed, Walnut Creek: Better batteries and storage, battery swapping, etc. is making exciting progress in long haul trucking. 01:12:13 Maggie Field, Clean Air Task Force: CATF recently published an analysis comparing operational performance of H2 fuel cell trucks with battery electric trucks, and identified key advantages to fuel cell trucks in efforts to decarbonize long-haul heavy duty trucking: https://www.catf.us/resource/zero-emission-long-haul-heavy-duty-trucking/ 01:14:19 Wes Chuang: If highly influential DC think tank CATF says hydrogen is good, politicians ]will listen. 01:14:30 Climate Reality Bay Area: Thank you Sasaan!! 01:14:34 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Let’s be wary of assuming that hard-to-decarbonize sectors will need to use hydrogen. For example, there has recently been a breakthrough in using new wind technology to power maritime shipping. 01:14:35 Rob England - The Climate Center: Prof. David Cebon bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/david-cebon/ 01:14:40 APEN Zoom: Excellent presentation Sasan!! 01:14:52 Councilman Jose Trinidad Castaneda: Question for Sasan: To your question regarding how do we address the carbon consequences of using blue/grey H2 while we build up more green H2 supply/demand...There's no perfect path forward, and I struggle to envision a perfectly implemented sequence of coordinated early adoption for new end-uses that compound cost savings and establish stronger feasibility AND affordability for each new evolution of end-use products. - Councilmember Jose Trinidad Castaneda, City of Buena Park 01:14:57 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Yes, bravo, Sasan!! 01:15:00 Idania Zamora, BAAQMD (she/her): Completely agree, thank you Sasan! 01:15:07 Ilonka Zlatar: Does Earthjustice recognize renewable energy storage as one of the good uses of this hydrogen? 01:15:16 Julia Alexis Sebastian: Awesome presentation Sasan! 01:17:25 Wes Chuang: Hypedrogen? 01:17:33 Maritza Alvarez: Green washing indeed!!! 01:19:28 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Gray hydrogen = hydrogen produced from fossil gas steam reformation. 01:20:07 Len Beyea: For anyone interested in the benefits of mode shift from trucks to rail for freight (no hydrogen involved), check out https://www.solutionaryrail.org 01:20:31 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Blue hydrogen = gray hydrogen with carbon capture 01:21:16 Climate Reality Bay Area: Are the slides displaying correctly for others? 01:21:34 Julia Alexis Sebastian: Yes, I can see the slides 01:21:35 Stephen Maack: Slides displaying okay for me. 01:22:21 Rick Theis: Not for me 01:22:30 Ellen Maremont Silver: okay here 01:23:10 Stephen Maack: Check your Zoom display options. Full screen might help. View options in upper area. 01:23:15 Vivian Deutsch: I sent to ‘View Options’ and chose ‘Fit to Window’, and that fixed it for me - in case it might work for others having a problem. 01:23:43 Rick Theis: Yep! 01:23:51 Climate Reality Bay Area: Tnx! 01:23:54 Wes Chuang: 3 times more jobs! 01:25:15 Wes Chuang: Actually 10x jobs including marketers and sales people. 01:25:55 Stephen Maack: 'Are we trying to maximize jobs or minimize GHG production? 01:26:14 Wes Chuang: Jobs = votes 01:26:28 Michael Chiacos: Is using curtailed renewables for green hydrogen economically realistic now or in the future? Is that a solution or is it more greenwashing? 01:26:49 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): We have a chance to resist the hydrogen hype and greenwashing by attending and giving a comment at a key virtual workshop next Tuesday, from 9am-12pm PST. The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board), in collaboration with California Energy Commission (CEC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), will hold a public workshop to initiate the development of a comprehensive report on hydrogen as called for in Senate Bill (SB) 1075. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_snnHhGD-SQKOVs9CzwOpaA?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#/registration 01:27:03 Maggie Field, Clean Air Task Force: CATF has a “Hydrogen Production Calculator” freely available to the public as an educational tool, so anyone can play around with inputs and outputs and see the numbers for themselves: https://www.catf.us/hydrogen-converter/ 01:28:47 Wes Chuang: I would like to see a good report on a scenario where only surplus renewable is used to make hydrogen and compared other energy storage systems in the near to mid term. 01:29:18 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): We should also reduce our use of artificially-produced fertilizer by practicing regenerative agriculture and reduce our use of plastics — this will reduce use of hydrogen, too. 01:29:46 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Excellent presentation, Professor Cebon! 01:29:46 Wes Chuang: A lot of ammonia can come from sewage. Don't know how much but at least some? 01:29:49 David Melko: Will the recording and presentation slides be available to download later? 01:30:18 Idania Zamora, BAAQMD (she/her): Agree on the regenerative agriculture and reducing plastics comment! 01:30:39 Stephen Maack: Wjat I like about this webinar is the dialogue among presenters and in the chat as we all wretle with SYSTEMIC best solutions. It isn't just energy use/transfer, or jobs, or even tribal lands (which Tribal governments should control) but trying to look at all this from a systems perspective. That includes looking at all of the matters discussed. 01:30:41 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) - The Climate Center: The recording will be on our website and the slides will be circulated to everyone who registered 01:31:05 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Yes, fertilizers also keep the fossil industry in the game while killing our water, air, workers, soil & ourselves = poison! 01:31:30 Wes Chuang: Conservation before conversion 01:31:43 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: A use case centered on local micro energy and water grids or other use cases need to be defined. The professor uses one slide based on long haul trucking and then makes broad hard conclusions. 01:31:59 Rob England - The Climate Center: Senator Ben Allen's bio https://theclimatecenter.org/about/people/ben-allen/ 01:32:04 Michelle Sevilla: Assemblymember Bennett has a bill out there to define green hydrogen at a legislative level 01:32:30 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: Prof. Cebon did NOT prove his claims. 01:33:32 Van Rainey: electric air transportation for air taxis is on the horizon, and depends on hydrogen availability. Could solar green hydrogen generated on large open arieas at airports be viable? 01:34:25 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: That is not true about electric air taxis rely o H2. just visited Joby & they are battery electric 01:35:24 Maritza Alvarez: Or continue to burden California Indigenous lands and waters 01:36:20 Bianca Lopez-VIP: ++ 01:36:54 Stephen Maack: Wouldn't green energy generation on large open areas at airportsneed to be considered in relation to the explosive and flammable aspects of hysdrogen? That would seem to pose a potential danger to airplanes taking off and landing (and others at the airport) if there was an accident? 01:37:19 Ilonka Zlatar: Carb has been using cap and trade funds to incentivize the use of hydrogen without regard to how its produced... 01:37:51 Stephen Maack: Good point, Ilonka, and a concern.... 01:38:07 George Vine: Do we need to study the use of hydrogen in vehicles? 01:38:30 Ilonka Zlatar: My local org was asked to submit a support letter for a hydrogen locomotive pilot project funded by CARB and when we asked where the hydrogen would come from or how it would be stored, they said they didn't know that yet... 01:38:32 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Ilonka Zlatar, yes CARB overlooks production of H2 because of a chair of CARB in the 60's & 70's who had personal financial gains in the H2 industry! 01:39:44 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: See, the senator is demonstrating how all of this color stuff is just confusing so delaying decisions to NOT use it 01:39:45 Stephen Maack: George, I think use of hydrogen in vehicles is already being done. Toyota Mirai is a hydrogen powered vehicle. The discussion today concerns use of hydrogen in heavy duty vehicclwa likw lonf-siarNXW REUXKA, VUAAWA, WRX. 01:40:50 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Honda and even Toyota have capitulated, realizing that battery electric is best & are going forward with producing EVs 01:41:06 Stephen Maack: APOLOGIES FOR TYPOS... 01:41:13 Ilonka Zlatar: CARB and CEC do a good job at technical analysis, but they are awful at identifying health and socioeconomic impacts. The analysis bill should include partnership with public health and additional stakeholders that can properly analyze holistic impacts 01:41:28 Wes Chuang: Always refreshing to hear from a politician who can convey nuance. 01:41:33 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: only 12,000 total H2 FC cars on the road and no plans for future 01:41:46 Robert Perry - Synergistic Solutions: High penetrations of renewable resources will result in significant curtailment without a co-located off-taker like hydrogen. Being able to transmit large amounts of excess energy via transmission lines will be a hard lift. We need to think systemically on what a renewable energy economy will look like in 10-20 years. 01:42:32 Wes Chuang: And don't let good enough be the enemy of perfect. It goes both ways. 01:42:37 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Carol, all, I’m pretty sure Sen. Allen was referencing Skinner’s SB 1075 (Skinner) green hydrogen evaluation: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB1075 (corrected from original) 01:42:54 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: CA already produces more electricity by solar than it can use and exports during the day to other states 01:43:37 Beverly DesChaux EVACCC: Thank you Sen Allen!!! 01:43:55 ted wells TFE: and what of those tiny/small scale nuclear power options ? 01:44:06 Ilonka Zlatar: and are we going to reform campaign finance so that our politicians are not bought and paid for by Big Oil industry 01:45:47 Nora Privitera: I have heard that some H2 exists naturally underground and may be accessible. Is that true? 01:46:01 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Thank you, EarthJustice, for insisting on end-to-end zero emissions. 01:46:28 Stephen Maack: My neighbor where I use to live in LA is a retired UCLA professor who worked with Toyota on the Mirai. He pointed out to me that it was priced too high. I am in the market for a new car but would not buy a hydrogen powered one because of the shortage of recharging stations. I imagine that Toyota and Honda are getting out of the hydrogen powered vehicle business for cost/benefit to the companies rather than for the GHG emission and other arguments presented here. Both companies are into electrical powered vehicles. 01:46:53 Len Beyea: Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District is in the midst of acquiring 54 hydrogen fuel cell buses. Other transit districts also acquiring hydrogen vehicles. 01:46:53 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Nora, yes, sometimes referred to as “white hydrogen.” Unlikely to ever be a serious factor. 01:50:15 Matt Holmes: thanks for the gut check on the magical thinking that's greenlighting the uninterogated hydrogen/methane/carbon Trinity. it's almost like some folks believe that the subsided, state welfare agro biomass "market" is inevitable 01:50:37 Robert Perry - Synergistic Solutions: Renewable energy systems are better represented by venn diagrams than mathematical balancing equations. We have to plan for a highly fluctuating energy environment. 01:51:06 APEN Zoom: The point on capturing bio methane to protect communities is DEEPLY disingenuous to the truth 01:51:56 Beverly DesChaux: that argument when the grid goes down, liquid fuels cannot be pumped either and EV batteries have large stories for many days' use 01:52:17 Rob England - The Climate Center: Call to Action https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/bill-tracker/sb-414-allen-assessment-of-hydrogen-applications/ 01:52:42 Matt Holmes: I know we don't grow any grapes in South Stockton, at don't drink their wine but we burn everyone's grapes and don't get anything but the largest stationary NOX source in our lungs... that's what we die then years earlier in some of our census tracts. crazy how's much creative money there is out there when I've still got 1936 sidewalks in South Stockton heading for Barstow temps fifty years Early 01:53:04 Matt Holmes: thirteen* years... 01:53:37 Barry Vesser barry@theclimatecenter.org: If you want to support Senator Allen’s bill, you can take action here: https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/bill-tracker/sb-414-allen-assessment-of-hydrogen-applications/ 01:53:42 Beverly DesChaux: capturing biomethane can be used to directly form electricity. marina landfill has run completely by capturing its biogas since mid 80s and even share 10% of needs of water co next door 01:54:36 Ilonka Zlatar: I don't have a lot of confidence that a new CARB report would be better than the hack job they did on the scoping plan, which basically said CCS will save the day... 01:54:53 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Thank you, The Climate Center, for hosting this important webinar. It’s good we had a full 1.5 hours for the presentations and Q&A. 01:55:34 Matt Holmes: I get super open minded when climate creativity grows OUR wealth in Second Class California. 01:56:33 Robert Perry - Synergistic Solutions: Job one is building renewable generation as fast as possible. We can't approach a renewable energy economy with a fossil-fuel mindsent. 01:56:45 Beverly DesChaux: stopping fossil fertilizers will eliminate that whole sector's need for H2! we need regenerative ag, good lead in to next webinar by Climate Ctr 01:56:58 Janice Lin-Green Hydrogen Coalition: regarding efficiency optimization -- doesnt work if the useful electricity cannot be transported or moved via existing grid constraint 01:57:25 Ilonka Zlatar: That would be great Senator Allen! 01:57:26 Clair Brown: Sen Allen, please vote YES on AB 421 which will help enforce CA laws that are passed for climate. 01:57:26 Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her): Professor Cebon and Sasan, will you attend Tuesday’s Joint Agency workshop and weigh in? Your voices and expertise are needed. 01:57:53 Ilonka Zlatar: Yes on 421 referendum reform bill senator Allen 01:58:06 Wes Chuang: Overconsumption and overpopulation is taboo topic. We are debating what size and kind spoon to use for an over-flowing pool. 01:58:20 Martha Turner: Thank-you panelists, The Climate Center for a helpful discussion today. I hope the Senator is able to bring these discussions forward, not only in the legislature, but in the implementation agencies (CEC, CPUC, etc.) 01:58:26 Matt Holmes: And let's observe Govt Code 11135 01:58:41 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza (she/her) - The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/bill-tracker/sb-414-allen-assessment-of-hydrogen-applications/ 01:58:44 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: $/kWh is another lens above energy efficiency. 01:59:05 Robert Kibrick: Thank you to all the presenters and to the Climate Center for putting together this informative webinar 01:59:06 Sasan Saadat: Just to add that Earthjustice is a happy supporter of Senator Allen's bill SB 414! We hope it can be a model for more jurisdictions too 01:59:24 Norman Rogers USW LOCAL 675: Thank you to all involved! 01:59:31 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: Sometimes something is less energy efficient yet its production cost, etc. makes it not the best solution. It all depends upon the 'system' technoeconomic analysis. 01:59:33 Rob England - The Climate Center: Next Webinar https://theclimatecenter.org/events/how-to-scale-up-nature-based-climate-solutions-on-farms-and-ranches-with-key-partnerships/ 01:59:36 OG Strogatz: Thank you all! 01:59:39 Ellen Maremont Silver: Fantastic event today! 01:59:42 Sam Miyamoto: Great webinar - thank you! 01:59:44 Climate Reality Bay Area: Thanks, Sasan, for sharing EJ’s position on SB414. Helpful! 01:59:44 Tessa Charnofsky, SoCalREN: Outstanding discussion!! 01:59:45 ECA Chapter Leaders: Awesome discussion! 01:59:46 FELISHA KUO: Thank you! 01:59:51 Laura Tam: Great webinar, thank you 01:59:52 Michelle Persoff, Office of Majority Leader Bryan: Thank you for the AB 421 support in the chat and thank you speakers! 01:59:53 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Thank you all! 01:59:55 Dori Chandler: Fantastic webinar! Thank you! 01:59:56 Ilonka Zlatar: thank you for a great discussion 01:59:59 Mike Moore: Great Webinar 02:00:00 Grace Kaufman: Great webinar! 02:00:00 Wes Chuang: One of the best webinars in a while thank you all 02:00:07 Matt Holmes: Thank TCC & EJ 02:00:07 Climate Reality Bay Area: Absolutely outstanding event. Thank you CC!! 02:00:09 Michelle Henry/ Asm. Bauer-Kahan: Great webinar! One of the best I've attended. 02:00:17 Bruce Webster PAX Scientific, Inc.: thank you.