00:18:22 Housh Louyeh (Renewable America): Good morning Doron and everyone. This is Housh from Renewable America. 00:20:28 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza: Next Webinar https://theclimatecenter.org/events/building-electrification-stories-from-the-home-front/ 00:21:23 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza: Policy Summit Info and Registration: https://theclimatecenter.org/events/california-climate-policy-summit-2023/ 00:25:46 The Climate Center: Endorse Climate Safe California https://theclimatecenter.org/climate-safe-california/ 00:26:19 The Climate Center: Bill Tracker https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/bill-tracker/%5C 00:27:28 Danett Abbott-Wicker: I wish the deadline was 2025. 2030 is late 00:27:33 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: ACF = Advanced Clean Fleets 00:28:03 M.C.: The above Bill Tracker link states page can't be found. 00:28:29 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza: https://theclimatecenter.org/our-work/bill-tracker/ 00:29:06 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza: Please feel free to drop questions here or in the Q&A section for Kimberly or any of our speakers today! 00:32:40 Beverly DesChaux: CA Air Resources Board engages in conversations on this subject of owner operators w small fleets so rules are for fleets under 10 vehicles making allowances and providing large grants 00:34:27 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Folks, please post your questions here in the chat or in the Q&A tab! 00:35:53 Beverly DesChaux: and other states tend to follow what CA does. CARB has goals for all classes of vehicles already. 22 states, DC, Puerto Rico, American Virgin Islands have zero emission goals, some by 2030, 2035 and cannot accomplish the goals w o addressing transportation. 00:37:57 Beverly DesChaux: correction: small fleets are considered under 10 and have different rules changed from 50 00:38:46 Beverly DesChaux: I think CARB just adopted the 10 vs 50 00:40:48 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza, The Climate Center: Please feel free to drop questions here or in the Q&A section for Kimberly, Bill or any of our speakers today! 00:42:09 Maurissa Brown: Thank you Kimberly for your presentation. Can you share the research you mentioned that shows industrial facilities impact lifespan? Thanks! 00:42:44 Beverly DesChaux: many of us testified for 10 vs 50 be considered small fleet, but soon only zero emissions of all class vehicles will be sold in CA 00:45:44 Beverly DesChaux: we must also vote to have these old polluters to be scrapped and made sure they are not kept and just have the EVs added to the fleet and/or sold at auction and shipped elsewhere. Proterra school buses are sent to developing countries defeating cleaning the whole ecosystem 00:46:01 Kimberly McCoy: https://chhs.fresnostate.edu/cvhpi/documents/Valley%20Health%20Snapshot%20Winter%202014.pdf 00:46:16 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Thank you Kimberly! 00:46:54 Kimberly McCoy: Your welcome! 00:48:36 Danett Abbott-Wicker: +++Beverly, great point 00:50:11 Beverly DesChaux: Tesla semis have a proven 500 mi range for 85,000 pound load! & other manufacturers are close behind 00:50:35 Athena Tan: Beverly, can you share a source on that info about Proterra bus exports? 00:53:35 Beverly DesChaux: the founder of the company told me in person at an event in San Jose a couple yrs ago when I asked him what happened to the old ones. he added that they are not our children, meaning so we did not have to concern ourselves w their well being. could not find out if officers of the co had that perspective 00:54:55 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza, The Climate Center: You are welcome to ask questions here of our panelists or in the Q&A tab. Thanks! 00:54:57 Beverly DesChaux: school buses have lots of funding s 00:55:51 Sonoma Clean Power Programs Team: Where can we find the tool showing available models of heavy duty EVs? 00:57:06 Beverly DesChaux: school buses also have benefit of bi directional w big batteries that can provide emergency energy as Mobile Energy Storage Units or to their schools as Community Resilience Hubs 00:57:08 Danett Abbott-Wicker: Beverly, that sounds so American, and not in a good way. What an arrogant response from that man 00:57:36 Beverly DesChaux: Fully agree! I was in shock! 00:57:48 Austin Sos: Is there any consideration to run catenary lines along freight corridors? Batteries are not feasible for many long distance heavy vehicle/rail trips. Current lithium ion batteries are toxic waste and most end up in landfills 00:59:07 Danett Abbott-Wicker: Beverly, that about sums up the attitude of the fossil fuel industry too. 00:59:55 Kevin Leong: Here is the link to the Zero-Emission Technology Inventory: https://globaldrivetozero.org/tools/zeti/ 01:00:18 Sonoma Clean Power Programs Team: Thanks Kevin - great presentation! 01:00:35 guest Guest: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB579 CA SchoolBus mandate in the works 01:00:50 Beverly DesChaux: Austin, this is mistaken! the batts are not permitted in landfills. ALL minerals in the batts are reusable over and over. range is increasing w new chemistries and Tesla has a 1,000,000 mi range for cars soon 01:01:47 Ajith Weerasinghe: In CA it is the public perception about public transport needs be improved drastically make an impact. We need strategies for that. Isn't that a low hanging fruit? Or is it more complex that that? 01:02:20 Beverly DesChaux: Danett, tragically I agree -- except they are getting it and buying up renewable resources 01:03:59 Beverly DesChaux: school buses are already being used for grid capacity 01:06:29 Ajith Weerasinghe: V2G, totally agree. 01:07:37 Beverly DesChaux: something that concerns me is requirement that we lose our EV control, have to be an asset to the grid. have been for V2X but loss of control is a concern 01:08:58 Danett Abbott-Wicker: and equity is so important! Environ. racism is real and we need to fix it 01:09:37 Beverly DesChaux: NOX is esp a concern from HD fleets w greatest respiratory afflictions 01:09:42 Ajith Weerasinghe: Using the Power Line Communication protocol, the EV can be connected to the grid from anywhere, as long as the EV user has a utility account for V2X. 01:11:14 Kurt Johnson: there’s no grid connection requirements being anticipated for individual consumers, goal at this point is just to make sure vehicles etc have the capability to be used as reliability and resilience assets 01:16:05 Beverly DesChaux: grid hold up is huge! presentation by PGE for our CCA show delays of 3 to 8 yrs for new sub stations and other grid additions!!! streamlining of permits are necessary 01:16:58 Danett Abbott-Wicker: +Beverly 01:20:11 Beverly DesChaux: the "flexibility" keeps moving out how long these heavily polluting vehicles stay on the riad! 01:20:24 Beverly DesChaux: *road 01:25:19 Kevin Leong: Mark - DOE announced $42M of funding that will go towards developing out more robust supply chains for batteries but also improving battery performance - longevity, energy density, and higher resiliency to temperature variations. 01:25:23 Kevin Leong: https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-42-million-develop-more-affordable-and-efficient-advanced-electric-vehicle 01:26:32 Beverly DesChaux: I want to implore everyone to be clear that the hydrogen industry is currently the fossil fuel industry trying to stay in the game with most hydrogen produced from natural gas, 74% methane! To use electrolysis still is like like driving the vehicle twice because that electricity could go directly to battery electric without the additional step of fuel cell and all involved w hydrogen production, distribution, cost prohibitive infrastructure, not to mention draining our water resources in drought plagued CA! 01:28:15 Beverly DesChaux: and methane has 84-124x the heating capacity as CO2! 01:30:41 Donna: We should do both but this is priority - especially in the Inland 01:35:48 Beverly DesChaux: our diesel buses went to natl gas bec fossil fuel conned our metro and it is 74% methane which is 84-124x the heating capacity as CO2. hydrogen is the next big boondogle "fueled" by the fossil fuel disinformation machine that will delay reducing our GHGE as quickly as possible! 01:37:32 Beverly DesChaux: more than pilot on school buses. nuvve already deploying them using the bi-di ability 01:37:47 Beverly DesChaux: in real world 01:38:45 Beverly DesChaux: and our schools have solar so could be charged up after kids are dropped at school 01:41:17 Beverly DesChaux: our CCA is funding 27 school buses, fully, I believe 01:41:22 Ajith Weerasinghe: Beverly, could share the ref for H2 and CH4? 01:41:35 Beverly DesChaux: *EV school buses 01:42:24 Beverly DesChaux: ask CARB rep. CARB considers it 84x heating capacity 01:43:56 Beverly DesChaux: so many webinars, not sure who says 124x. Union of Concerned Scientists maybe? sirry 01:44:04 Beverly DesChaux: *sorry 01:45:29 Ajith Weerasinghe: Ok, thanks Beverly. 01:46:15 Beverly DesChaux: Ajith, are you w the hydrogen industry? 01:46:27 The Climate Center: Link coming shortly 01:46:30 Jerilyn Lopez Mendoza, The Climate Center: https://theclimatecenter.org/clean-energy/tell-california-leaders-to-hold-the-line-on-climate-investments/ 01:47:46 Beverly DesChaux: Thanks everyone! you give me much needed hope! 01:47:46 The Climate Center: Next Webinar https://theclimatecenter.org/events/building-electrification-stories-from-the-home-front/ 01:47:51 Kathy Albury: I wish the chat could be set up so we could save it and save the individual comments. Thanks 01:47:55 Woody Hastings, The Climate Center: Thank you all! 01:48:24 Beverly DesChaux: you should be able to save tge chat